chapter two: former friends.

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Finn could be aggressive when it came to his friends.

My former best friends, whose names were Ashley, Jessica, and Britney, were the meanest people to me. Ashley had blonde hair and always showed too much skin, but the teachers would never get onto her. Jessica had bright red hair that went halfway down her back. Her little secret? She told everyone her hair is natural, but it's died red and she always has hair extensions in. Britney kind of looked like a young Britney Spears. Whenever they saw me in the hallways, they would insert a comment about my dad or Devin's learning disability. I had told my therapist about it, but all she said was to "Ignore them." I tried that and it didn't help much.

I had to go straight to work after school and since I had yet to get my driver's license, Finn would kindly drive me. We were on our way out of the school building when we were stopped by Ashley, Jessica, and Britney.

Ashley went first.

"Oh my gosh! Are you guys dating?"

We automatically looked at each other as shook our heads.

Jessica went next.

"Well, I wouldn't date her if I were you, womanizer, because she has daddy issues." She giggled.

Britney went last.

"Yeah. You get it? Because her dad left her poor little family all alone. What a shame."

I could see Finn tensing up and ready to fight back. Everyone had already left the building and I was already going to be late for work.

Ashley inserted another comment, "No wonder your dad left. I'm sure he didn't want to mess with a retar--"

I stopped her right there and smacked her makeup right off.

Literally, her caked on makeup ended up on my hand.

Finn finally snapped and started cursing them out. I tried to prey Finn off of them, but it was too late. Principal Clarkson was already there.

"Rae Johnson and Finn Greene! I am ashamed of you. Fighting people will not make you a good role model. This is your first time, correct?"

Everyone stopped what we were doing. Finn and I slowly started to nod.

"Okay then," Principal Clarkson continued, "Instead of calling your parents and suspending you, I will see you both in after school detention on Friday for the rest of the school year." With that, she marched off.

Finn turned around and called after her, "Did you not hear what these girls were saying to Rae?"

She looked at Finn, then at the girls.

She started yelling, "Those girls are innocent angels who would never say something to provoke someone to such violence! Again, I will see you in detention. If I hear another word of this, I will suspend both of you! Understood?"

We both nodded our heads. The trio ran off before we turned back around. Finn and I headed to his truck.

Once we got in his truck, I turned on the radio. My favorite song came on.

"Wow. This song is so old," Finn commented.

"I love this song," I said turning it up.

"She says, I wish that I could be like the cool kids

Cause all the cool kids, they seem to get it

I wish that I could be like the cool kids

Like the cool kids," I sang to the top of my lungs.

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