the manipulation.

Start from the beginning

A smile shone brightly on Thor's face and he showed his happiness by slapping Bruce on the back numerous times. Dr Banner winced slightly with each thud, "Good man!"

"No, bad man," Tony Stark looked at the pair and saw how forced a smile Bruce wore. A normal person should never talk to Loki, a man who could turn into a raging green beast talking to Loki was the worse idea in the universe. Tony pointed a finger at Bruce, "It's a terrible idea and that's coming from me."

"We've hit a dead end, just admit it. We need any lead we can get." Bruce tried to hide his alternate motive but Tony could read the slight upturn in his lips and the idiosyncrasies of a desperate man.

Tony pieced together the doctors real plan in just under twenty seconds and changed his own tune five seconds later. Tony had heard the story of a lost love and the romantic in him wanted to help. That and the fact he liked to disobey orders that come from any form of higher command.

"Alright," Tony made eye contact with Bruce making him swallow the saliva in his throat, Tony watched as his Adam's apple moved up and down, "Do what you want."

So Bruce Banner, with one final glance at Tony, made his way to see the God of Mischief.


"I expected you to be taller."

Loki knew that Bruce Banner would come to see him sooner or later. He knew that the man wouldn't be able to resist the allure of Loki Laufeyson. For a man seeking knowledge he wasn't particularly smart that day.

"And I didn't expect you to have such ridiculous choice in headgear." Bruce retorted but he felt his legs shake as he paced around the wall of the cell, not daring to be any closer.

Loki chuckled, "Touché," His eyes had a certain glint, a mix of mischief and all powerful sight, that Bruce could feel even from his distance. Loki was standing with his arms behind his back staring at the scientist. Bruce crossed his arms and drew his thumb over his chin, both of them were inspecting each other like prey and predator simultaneously. Only time would tell who would become what, "Now, how may I help you Dr Banner?"

Bruce stopped pacing. If he was going to get his information he would need to appear strong, "I think it's more a question if you can assist me."

Loki furrowed his eyebrows in surprise at the accusation. Maybe there was more to the man that stood before him than he had originally thought, "Oh, I think you underestimate my abilities Dr Banner."

"Or," Bruce took off his glasses and pointed with them at Loki, "You are overestimating your own capacity."

The exchange of words was like negotiating or a game of chess, right now they were both guarding their Kings and Queens with pawns. Idle movements to test their opponents skill. One would break ranks soon.

"This cell was built for you, was it not?" Loki changed the subject and walked up to the glass. He carried himself almost regally, different from Thor. Bruce watched him and wondered how his own hair compared, probably it looked pathetic in comparison. Bruce did not reply so Loki idly drew a finger  along the glass, "Oh come on Banner, you're not afraid of me, are you?" He paused and chuckled in glee, "You are. This is just too good."

"I don't think afraid is the right word. I believe I am just skeptical of SHIELD's methods of Hulk proofing. They don't have any track record you see." Dr Banner decided he would venture a little closer. He wasn't scared, if anything he was more anxious than normal. The only true physical thing that scared Bruce was himself but there was a lot of possible ideas that terrified him.

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