Percy. P.O.V. CHAPTER 2

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I slowly woke up. I saw my little ghost just standing and looking at me. "Hey little Ghost" I said to him. He just looked at me and smile. I swear, he has the biggest bags underneath his eyes. I know he doesnt get enough sleep at night. I been sleeping with him, to help. "I'm cold" He said with a little shiver. I got out of the bed, and wrapped my arms around him. I burried my face into his neck, and gave him some kisses. He shivered again. I just chuckled. "So Ghosty, whats for breakfest?" He slipped out of my arms, he was one skinny kid. You could tell he didnt like to eat. I made him eat tho. He came back into view with a plate full of blue food. I smiled. I grabbed some pancakes. "HEY! YOU TOOK THE ONES I WANTED!!!!" Nico yelled/teased. I bit half of it, and left the other half hanging out. "Come and get it them" I said threw the pancake. He came and got it. We both ate our halves, and went right back to kissing. It was sweet. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and just pulled him closer. I finally pulled away, but we were still close. "What did you dream about?" I whispered. He shivered. "My sister." I saw a tear welled up in his eye. I pulled him into a tight hug, and just held him. "You need to understand, I looked for so long." I kissed him on top of his head. "You need to eat" I said. "But you got to feed me"  he whispered. I let go of him, and handed him a bagle. "You are a big boy now. Now I need you to act like it, while I go get so actuall clothes on." I told him. I was just wearing little fishy boxers. He smiled. 

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