Chapter five: THE END

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When I opened my eyes, I was lying in the dirt by the swamp that was about a mile past the point I had witnessed the horrific scene. I sat up to find a shadow observing my every move from about 15 feet away. I could not tell who or what it was, but by the way it stood like it was made of stone… I knew it was not good. I pushed myself off the cold ground so I could be prepared for what this creature would bring. I let out a sigh and in an instant, the shadow disappeared. I knew this was the end. I closed my eyes and felt something rest on my left shoulder. I snapped my eyes open and slowly turned my head only to where I could see my shoulder clearly. There was nothing there.

I was losing my mind. This all had to be a dream. Come on Darcy, wake up. I pinched my right forearm hard and immediately pulled back. At this point, my teeth were chattering and I was shaking uncontrollably. "You will never win" I said in-between my heavy gasps for air. I scanned the area hoping for a clear way out of this nightmare but instead found the shadow yet again staring at my helpless self, this time only a few feet away. I could see his hands in great detail… long skinny fingers with sharp, knife-like nails. The thought of backing up and making a run for it raced through my mind. Before I could act upon it, I felt a sharp pain right below my rib cage. I slowly tilted my head down to look at what was causing it. His murdering hands had been jabbed through me. I tried to scream even though I knew no one could help me anymore but I could not find the air. I fell to my knees and looked up at the moon. So bright and glowing, just like I was less than a day ago.

I smiled to show my killer that he had not won. Then, the moon went black and I saw a distorted face. It was him. The one everyone tells rumors about. Some say he is a myth, others say they lived through meeting him. I can now say that he is real, and I will never forget the sickening features on his face…the seven rotting teeth in his filthy mouth, the dirt and mold covering his cheeks, and most of all, his soul-piercing gold eyes. They showed an emotion I had never seen before. Not sorrow, not happiness, not anger… but almost like he was saying "I win." The edges of his dry mouth twisted upwards into a hideous smile and he turned his hand, expiring my life in an instant. Although a little late, I learned something from this. The line, "You never know what will happen unless you try", is true. I never knew any of this would happen.

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