Chapter four:The Scene

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"Jalen! Jalen, where are you?!" Just as I was about to call her name out again the flashlight I strapped to the top of my hat went out and I was left in almost complete darkness. When my eyes finally adjusted to the new lighting, I saw a puddle by one of the trees next to me. We haven’t had rain for almost two months now, so how could there be a puddle? I walked towards it only to trip on something and land with my hands soaked in the warm liquid, oozing through my freezing fingers. I pulled myself up off the ground by reaching out to the tree trunk and using it so support my exhausted body. It was warm and wet… what is going on? When I regained my balance, my flashlight flickered back to life. The first thing I saw was the tree in front of me… it was covered in something dark red. Then I looked at my hands and at the puddle beneath me. I screamed at a pitch I thought I was incapable of hitting. It was blood, and it was fresh. I looked up to see what looked like the bottom of a pair of boots. I took a step back and saw a lifeless figure propped up in the tree. The body was in an unnatural pose with its hands tied around its neck almost like it was gasping for air. As I looked closer at the scene, I noticed the source of the liquid was under the figure’s lifeless fingers. It caused a long stain along the front of the body and ran down the trunk of the tree. Then I saw the drained face of the victim and my stomach rose to my throat. It was Jalen. Her eyes were wide and showed the one emotion I had never seen from her… fear. I crumbled to my knees and lost consciousness.

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