Chapter one: The Plan

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"We could take him down Darcy. I heard he is actually not scary at all!" My friend Jalen said across the flames of our blazing campfire. Her long black hair was rested on one shoulder, showing her natural waves. She stared into the flames with her deep blue eyes waiting for my response.

"Jalen, you also heard that it tricks you and preys on your flesh and soul." I fired back. We had been talking about how much we wanted to show the others that we were brave enough to join their group when she brought up "The Scare".

"Well, we will never know which one it is until we go and find out ourselves". A creepy smirk crept onto her glowing face.

"Fine, tomorrow night. Don’t come scared."


I waited on the concrete steps protruding from my two-story house for Jalen to arrive. She was over half an hour past the time we decided on. I bet she bailed on me. I knew this would happen. I turned to go back through the screen door to my porch when I heard a high-pitched scream… Jalen. My jaw dropped and a single tear fell from my right eye. I slowly picked up my left foot and took a step forward. The ground sounded more like shattered glass under my feet than dry leaves.

"What’s wrong with you?" A voice said behind me. I quickly snapped around, my brown hair flicking in the wind. What I saw was something I was unprepared for. Jalen, in perfect condition. Not even a scratch visible. She made her way over to where I stood and looked down at me. I have always been envious of her. She was the fearless, beautiful girl that everyone wanted to be around and I was just the one who followed her around like a lost puppy. She was more of a tomboy which made her more likeable. I am a girly-girl. I spend hours planning out my appearance for the next day while she just picks up clothes from the floor and puts them on. It has been like this since kindergarten but honestly, I wouldn’t change it. She has always been there for me.

"Jalen! I-I-I thought I heard you scream."

"Why are you crying? Aw, why would you miss me?" She smirked.

"O-Of course I-"

"Stop stuttering and let’s get going" she said bluntly. I watched as her brown boots stomped towards the woods by my house. Why was she acting so weird?


I feel bad for snapping at her, but if she knew what I have been seeing and hearing she would understand. Ear-piercing screams, blood, flesh, and bones everywhere. It was him… The Scare. He was trying to get me to back out of our plan. He must think I am ignorant. I am not giving in to his game. Tonight, I am ending it.

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