Once Again

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     Sportacus would be lying if he said he wasn't upset that he didn't see Robbie the next day. He had been gone when Sportacus woke up at sunrise, and hadn't been outside while Sportacus was out playing with the kids. Four days after was too long, and Sportacus had a bad feeling. Sure, Robbie sometimes disappeared into his layer for weeks at a time, but no one had even seen him using his periscope. Sportacus was beginning to wonder if kissing him was over stepping his boundaries, but it didn't make sense. Robbie had cuddled with him that night. After a while he figured he was over thinking it, and ignored it. It wasn't a busy day, but he went outside to play with the kids, and it was past 7:00 before he knew it. He returned to his ship to think and make sure everything he needed to do was done, as well as exercising. He went to bed with the bad feeling almost completely gone. 

     Sportacus woke up suddenly, and for once he had no idea of the time. His throat was tight and there was a burning feeling on the inside of his wrists. He yanked his bracers off with little regard for their well-being. Two thick, still-red scars had formed, one on each arm. Both the feeling and the concept brought tears to his eyes and he wanted to scratch them until they were gone. His chest was heaving and it wasn't even a minute before he was on the ground outside, almost tripping over himself in his frantic sprint towards Robbie's lair. He was there within seconds, and with speed and strength he never knew he had, he flung open the hatch like it was made of foam, and practically threw himself inside. "ROBBIE ROTTEN!" Sportacus yelled, shooting down the hall that led to Robbie's bedroom and bathroom. He first instinct was to go to bedroom, but the light was on in the bathroom, so he shoved open the luckily unlocked, peering into the little white and blue room, his heart pounding. Robbie was on the floor, silent and still. Sportacus dropped to his knees next to the man, checking the pulse at his neck. Sportacus shook as he found one, gently pressing his forehead to the side of Robbie's head. 

     "Sportacus?" Robbie asked, his voice was weak and disoriented. "Yes. I'm here. It's me." Sportacus said, and he didn't know if he was trying to console Robbie or himself. He jumped up and started searching for bandages. Robbie groaned at the sudden loss of heat. "What are you doing here?" He asked. 

     "I'm taking care of you." Sportacus replied, giving a reassuring smile as he lifted up Robbie's arm and wrapped it. "Mhm." Robbie replied, barely audible, and he was unconscious again by the time Sportacus had wrapped both arms. He gently scooped Robbie up in his arms and carried him across the hall into the bedroom, clicking the light off in the bathroom. He set Robbie down in the bed and curled up next to him. He felt more settled with Robbie by his side, despite his wrists still burning, and he was able to fall asleep there.

     Sportacus woke up and he knew it was later than he normally woke up, but Robbie was still asleep beside him and he felt okay. He reluctantly got up and walked into Robbie's kitchen, inspecting his new scars as he went. They didn't hurt as bad and were already starting to turn white, but he knew Robbie's wouldn't do the same. Sportacus got an apple from the fridge and ate quickly. He didn't really care about himself at the moment. When he finished he put the core in the garbage and searched through the cabinets. Robbie lost a lot of blood and he would need to eat. He found a few boxes of oatmeal in the cabinet and hoped that meant Robbie would eat it. He found a bowl and boiled water in a pot on the stove. He went back to the fridge during the wait, finding something else to eat. After he made the oatmeal, he brought it back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed. 

     "Robbie." Sportacus said, barely above a whisper, putting a hand on the other man's shoulder. Robbie woke with a start and Sportacus apologized, making him sit up and handing him the bowl. "Thank you." Robbie choked as he took the bowl from Sportacus. The elf leaned back and watched him carefully. He finished the oatmeal off quickly, placing the bowl on his bedside table, and falling back into the pillows. Sportacus put Robbie's head in his lap.

     "Why did you do that?" He asked, curling his fingers into the ends of Robbie's hair. Robbie sighed.

     "I'm a bother to you, and everyone. I'm no good and I'm in your way. You could have someone better than me. I even lied to you. I said I wouldn't but I did. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be loved. I don't belong here." He said curling his knees up to his chest.

     "You're wrong." Sportacus sighed, taking his hand. "You're never a bother. I like talking to you, and I like playing with you, and the kids do, too. The kids would never ever wish you away, you know that. And neither would I. Lying is bad, Robbie, but it doesn't make you unlovable. Everyone deserves to be loved, Robbie, especially you." Sportacus slid down into the bed next to Robbie and pulled him into a hug. Robbie sniffed, but he wrapped his arms around Sportacus. "Thank you" he muttered into the elf's hair. Sportacus pulled Robbie as close as he could, not minding that he wasn't tired at all as Robbie fell asleep in his arms. He could stay still for once.

The Story of Who You are is Written in Your Scarsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن