Chapter 11

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I calm my nerves. I feel as if I were I schoolgirl finally getting the opportunity to talk to her crush. But I have only just met David. Not going to lie, his sense of humor is truly charming. I can tell that he has a pure soul. 

"Alright if we can just get Allison and David into their positions and we should start rolling!" the director began addressing.

"Well, this should be fun. I must say, I'm quite excited we're finally recording on set together." David began to say attempting to draw me away from my thoughts.

"And why would that be?"

"Well, you are a newbie, I feel quite honored to be starting in a show with you as my co-star."

"So I'm a newbie? You know this isn't my first time acting. back home I did plenty of acting. Sure they weren't as big as this but they were still something." There I go, always jumping to conclusions taking things out of proportion.

I haven't had a lot of experience but it's not like this is my first gig.

"Oi, I hit a nerve there didn't I? Look, don't take it the wrong way love."

"Wow. I'm sorry I- I overreacted. Something I always tend to do no matter how many times I tell myself not to."

"No Worries, I mean you're probably just nervous that's all. Completely normal, but don't be. Just enjoy it, enjoy this."

"Tell me something Doc, how was your first day? I'm...possibly nervous and could use a bit of a so-called 'pep talk'." I keep my arms crossed in front of me trying to keep all my insecurities kept inside of me.  As if crossing my arms would do just that."

"Well, I can tell you-you're not alone on this. I was absolutely terrified"

"Allison, David, we need you on stage B in 5 minutes"

"Shall we make our way and we can continue our discussion on our way there?" He extends his arm out for me to link my own too. 

I take a moment of consideration looking out at his arm, spotting him from up to down. Since I had gotten out of my dressing room, I noted that his look for today's recording.  

Wavy-haired brunette packed tightly into a peacock-blue knockoff Chanel suit. Of course, his outfit could not be complete without his signature beat up Chuck Norris shoes. 

Ending my minute fashion police panel moment, I take a step closer and link my arm to his. He squeezes my arm a bit for reassurance.

"I made my way to that stage a few years ago, it is my first time of course. God was my heart pounding out of my chest. The anxiety of course. So see, you're not the only one to have felt nervous or fearful before." He chuckled. "To make you feel better, you'll be able to see that I was able to get through. Did I mess up my lines a few times? Of course, but that's normal, heck I still do sometimes so if we're running behind recording you can blame me." Giving a wink and his charming smile, it would send any girl falling to her knees.

"You make it sound like you took a leap at faith." I chuckle, immediately looking down to where my feet were directing me once his eyes meet mine.

"Well I did, didn't I? And so did you. I mean look around you, you're in BBC studios; beginning to be an overnight breakout star." He spoke seriously keeping his eyes ahead to direct us to set.

"Maybe it was a leap at faith but I wasn't completely sure about taking this opportunity if I'm being honest. I mean what else would I be doing here if I completely flopped at this chance? Nothing so I'd have to go back home and continue struggling as a "wannabe actress" in L.A. They say California is the land of Opportunities but between you and me that's a load of crap." I ranted with almost loss of breath.

"Sorry I just cut you off there when you're just trying to help" I give him an apologetic look. Just a low chuckle is what I receive back from him.

"There was something I was told for what feels ages ago when I first got this job booked." He stopped in his footsteps, slightly tilting his head, allowing me to get a view of his brown-mahogany orbs scintillated with a mischievous glint that could be noticed next to the number that rimmed his iris. They glow with humor and playfulness that never seem to escape them. 

"What exactly is that?" I questioned continuing to be mesmerized by the look of his eyes, positioned so he is able to have a perfect view of mine. 

"Take Chances,  Allison. Make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fall in order to practice being brave."

And without even noticing, we were finally on set. 

A/N: Wow. Can I just apologize for fir this horrible chapter and my mega lack of posting??? I'm a senior now so I guess you can say the stressful part of school is almost over but not for me. I stupidly decided to take honors and AP classes to make my record look 'nice' but it backfired seeing as I'll be passing AP gov't and politics with a C. I still have one more AP course for the year and the rest I hope is smooth sailing. Again I apologize, my writing is trash now so please do not hesitate in giving me notes on this.

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