I sat at the table with Mary Elise and Lydia at lunch and waited for Charlene.  As I looked around for her, Lydia told me that she was called in sick.  I sat in silence and poked my food with my fork.  Harry came over eventually, but I didn't want to be around him.  I wasn't in a good mood and didn't want to really be around him.  Harry kept smiling and holding my hand, but I sat there in a slump.  

After a few moments, Harry leaned over and whispered in my ear asking what was wrong.  His cold breath tickled my ear and chilled it.  I leaned into his body and kissed his neck.  I whispered back that we needed to talk after school and sat back up.  His brows knitted together and asked if everything was alright.  I nodded and told him that we just needed to talk.  

Before I could say anymore, Zayn started to walk over and Harry jumped up before he could walk over to us.  Harry grabbed Zayn by the shoulder and pulled him out into the hallway.  I was glad that Harry was protecting me from Zayn, but I wished that sometimes he would let Zayn come over and talk to me.  

I turned back around and looked at my food again.  The pathetic excuse of biscuits and gravy stared back at me with a grotesque appearance.  The pale, thick gravy had chunks of meat poking throughout the muck, making the biscuit invisible.  Despite the displeasing appearance, all I could think of was Zayn.  What made him hate humans?

Did he have a bad experience with humans?  Does he envy them?  Or does he just simply hate us because we are below the vampire society in his mind?

Lydia poked me with her fork and smiled at me.  

"Hello, lovie!  Come back to earth!" she said smiling.  Her pastel hair was curled like a 20's flapper and was accented by a bat clip.  Her eyes were rimmed with thin, black liner and her lashes were extended by her black mascara.  Her full lips were painted a maroon color that made her teeth pop.  

I smiled at her and pushed my black hair behind my ear.  Lydia had wanted to go out with me later that night to a Goth Club with her.  At first, I was very indecisive about it, but I chose to go with her.  She said there would be great dubstep music.  I needed to get a night out and relax with my friend.  I hadn't hung out with her once yet.  

This would be good for me, getting away from Harry.  This would be a good chance for me to look for a new guy too.  I knew this would technically be cheating, but I would be talking, not kissing or having sex with another man.  Harry can't get mad at me for that, especially with him living forever.  He'll find another girl, maybe a vampire this time.  

But first thing was first: I needed to talk to him before I left for the club.

I was sitting in front of my vanity when Harry walked into my house.  He was forever welcome into our home and could come and go as he pleased.  I was busy lining my eyes with dark black liner when Harry walked into my room.  He saw me and gave me a strange look.

"I'm going out to a club with a friend of mine tonight," I replied.  He nodded his head and sat down on my bed, making himself comfortable.  

"So what was wrong earlier today?" he asked as he looked through my copy of Les Miserables.  I finsihed lining my eyes and quickly rimmed them with mascara.  

"Well, this question has been bugging me for the last couple of weeks," I said as I brushed through my hair.  My black hair was a drape along the black, buttoned corset and choker I wore.  My breasts were slightly uplifted, but nothing major.  Harry waited for me to continue.  

"Do you want me to become a vampire?" I asked as I turned to look at him.  I leaned my chin on my hands as they rested on the back of the vanity chair.  Harry sat straight up and looked at me seriously.  

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