Chapter 17

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Katies POV -
I couldn't believe luke. First he tries to steal my girlfriend, then he poisoned me! Then he tried to blame it on annie! What is going on...
I can hear voices.
The nurses.
Nurse 1: she was poisoned.
Nurse 2: with what?
Nurse 1: we're not sure the tests aren't back yet but whatever it was it was meant to kill her
Kill me!!
All that came out was a slur
Katie: illll merre~erer
Nurse 1: sh sh, we've destressed her we need to calm her down... how do we calm ber down!
Nurse 2: 30 mg of igm stat she shouted at the nurse outside.
She hurried in and annie followed.
Annie held my hand and i was calm, the nurses looked at annie.
Nurse 1: stay in here kid we need you.
Annie: um- ye okay i was going to i just went to get wate-
Nurse 2: thanks!
They rushed out and me and annie were alone.

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