Chapter 7

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Annies POV -
As we lay there i could see katie was still crying a bit.
Annie: katie what's wrong?
Katie: i like somebody and I could never tell them, it's killing me...
Annie: i like someone and i could never tell them, it's killing me too...
Katie: who's yours?
I felt me cheeks flush with red and I started getting nervous
Annie: umm... someone... who's yours?
Katie: umm... it doesn't matter... what should we do... let's go make some slime videos?
Just then hayley burst into the room we broke apart from the hug and hayley was giggling...
annie: what hayley?
Hayley: (while laughing) it's... ahaha... obvious... you... ahahaha... like eachother... just spilllll... omg guys it wasn't that hard was it... everyone else knew! Ahahaha
She strolled out the room looking pleased and mommy came in,
Katie (mom): girls me and jill want you to know we love you dearly and support you no matter what! Okay?
Katie looked at me and mommy left,
Katie: annie... i love my best friend...
Annie: katie i love you...
Katie hugged me the hardest she's ever hugged me before, we cried, we laughed, and it felt right. So right. I grabbed katie off the bed and took her outside,
Katie: where are we going?
Annie: wait here!
I ran to get our swim stuff and told her to get dressed, she looked confused because we went swimming yesterday.
Katie: are we going swimming? Again?
She laughed
Annie: yes! I want to do everything with you but with it feeling right. Everything we did together felt wrong. And I always knew why... but I didn't want to admit it. So I'm going to do everything with you, feeling right.
So that's what we did, we swam and we went out for food and we did you and we had a sleepover together. It was amazing!

Hey guys! I was hoping you could tell anyone you know what would like this story about it. I would love to get more views! I'm amazed i have 20 to be honest 😂 thank you so much. This is not the end of the story by the way, just a writers note 😊 I'll be writing a few chapters every time i can! Probably most days so keep reading!

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