Studying (Tyler X Reader)

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After reading this myself, I realized I made Tyler an absolute fucking SAVAGE (Oh God I hate that word it physically hurts me to say it)

So yeah enjoy or whatever

-Y/n's POV-

Tyler sat with me at a table in the library while we studied for our finals. We have about two weeks to get everything practically memorized for one test that determines our entire future.

"These textbooks are so annoying," Tyler groaned, leaning back in his chair and shoving his hands into the pocket of his skeleton hoodie. "Why are finals even a thing?"

"No idea Ty, no idea," I sighed, flipping a page and writing in my notebook. I closed my notebook and stared at the bright red cover, which had our sketches in sharpies all over. I smiled and took a sip of my almost black coffee.

"What'd you get?" I asked, pointing at his coffee cup.

"You'd think it's coffee, but it's actually RedBull. I hate coffee, it's like dirt water," Tyler chuckled, taking a sip from his cup.

"Well, they're just small beans, like you."

"Quit drinking my family!" Tyler gasped, taking the cup out of my hands.

"Just take a joke," I laughed.

"Learn how to make one," He snapped his fingers and smirked.

"Well damn. Where's your chill?"

"I lost it, like I lost my V-card to you," Tyler reclined in his cheap wooden chair. Someone oohed from the other side of a bookshelf.

"Dude what the fuck," I choked on my water. "That's the douchiest thing I've ever heard from you today."

"Don't mind what I say, little miss 4.5 GPA," Tyler sang quietly, putting his hand on top of my head awkwardly. He began to stroke my hair a few times before letting his hand fall clumsily onto the table. "It'll all be okay later tonight, just don't put up a fight. Let me do what I want and everything will be alright."

"I hate it when you rhyme like that," I blushed and looked at my old and black skater shoes. "But what'd you get for number 37?"

"Sixty nineeeee!" Tyler announced, basically letting everyone know his answer.

"Tyler, that's wrong. It's actually 47. You see, you gotta take the starting number and-"

"Babe, don't bother explaining it to me, I'm not listening," Tyler reclined in his chair with his hands behind his head. I sighed in frustration and grabbed a hair tie and a pen. I created a makeshift bow with the tie and my fingers and launched the pen at Tyler's face. He gasped and fell backwards and hit the floor with his legs flailing in the air.

"Wanna listen now?" I asked mockingly.

"Alright, fine," He groaned, grabbing his chair and sitting upright. "If little miss algebra over here can teach me something, I might do something special for you." He smirked in the way that I loved and hated at the same time.

"I will shoot you again," I said, drawing back the pen and aiming at him.

"Alright damn, just teach me! You know the professor's impossible to listen to, right?"

"You just need to offer to help him with cleaning up afterward, that's all. He'll boost your grade up a good ten percent. I'm only a B+ student, actually."

"What else do you do? Sleep with the guy?"

"What?" I choked on my coffee. "N-No!"

"Yeah you do," Tyler joked.

"Tyler, I swear to God. You're the only one I've ever slept with," I sighed. "And even then, it isn't that often."

"Exactly. Do you want more excitement in your sex life or something?"

"Absolutely not. I'm not a slut."

"What, like Dana over there?" He pointed to a girl applying bright red lipstick in the corner. She had a strapless top on and booty shorts with an excessive amount of gold jewelry.

"Yeah, that's close enough."


After several hours of studying, Tyler managed to get the majority of his homework done. The only problem was, it was 10:00 at night. We managed to stumble to our crappy off-campus apartment with 50+ pounds of books in our bags.

"Ugh, Y/n!" Tyler groaned. "I had to skip practice fr all that homework! Why couldn't you let me copy off of you?"

"Because, you need to know this stuff on your own! I won't always be there to help you."

"I have too much energy!"

"Alright, quit Your complaining. We can do something later," I sighed.

"Ooh, like what?" We walked up the front steps and opened the front door to the apartment hallway.

"Well, it involves you, me, our bed, and some latex."

"You could've just said sex, you know," Tyler unlocked the door to the apartment and walked in.

"Well, you still need to use your brain out of the library." I dropped my books on the floor and kicked off my shoes.

"Fine, you win. Are we gonna do this or not?"

"Yeah, totally."

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