Sequel Part 44 ~ Who's That Boy?

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The hell? . . did she just seriously throw my phone out of the backyard? "Why the hell did you do that?" I ask in anger. The look on Ariana's face tells me that she doesn't feel bad about what she just did. I run out and get my phone . . then I gently grab her arm and walk her back inside. No need for the neighbors to listen in on our conversation. "Why did you throw my phone away?! what was that about?!" 

"Do you really think I'm stupid, Michael??"

"Why?! what's the matter now?!"

"I listened in on your precious phone conversation with Carli! . . you love her?! . . you LOVE HER?!"

"You're totally blowing this out of proportion, Ariana! . . I don't LOVE her! will you calm down? you're shaking!"

"You just told her over the phone! . . I heard it! . . do you think I'm deaf?!"

"Carli told me she loved me . . in a FRIENDLY way! . . I love her back, in a FRIENDLY way! . . ok?"

"There is no loving someone in a friendly way! . . either you love them or you like them!"

"Please don't start, Ariana . . . . I'm really not in the mood to argue about this! . . you know that you're the only one I love!"

"I'm the only one you love? . . ok . . need I to remind you that you had sex with her?!"

"That was 10 years ago . . when will you let that go?!"

"It's a little hard to let that go Michael . . but I made peace with it . . ."

"Then why are you making such a scene now?! . . I told her that in a friendly way . . no need for you to freak out. . ."

"Michael . . would you be ok with it if I told some male friend of mine that I loved him? . . ."

"I wouldn't mind if you told him in a friendly way . . . ."

"That's bullshit!!! . . you would freak out just like I did, Michael!!"

"Look . . . can we drop this conversation? . . we both know we're fighting without a valid reason right now . . we need to pick our fights . . and this isn't a fight worth having, don't you agree?"

"Whatever, Michael . . . ."

"Whatever? . . are we 16 again?!"

"What the hell?! . . are you calling me a child now?!"

"Look . . . sorry . . I'm sorry . . I don't wanna fight . . . can I have a kiss?"

"Yea right" Ariana says, walking upstairs, leaving me standing here in the living room by myself. Why are women so complicated? Is there a book about understanding women? . . if so, I wanna read that book. I take a shower and get ready for bed . . hmmmm. . Ariana locked the bedroom door . . . looks like I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. 


It's Tuesday morning . . . I'm right on time. I just made myself a cup of coffee. Ariana is in the living room paying no attention to me. If she wants to be mad at me, I'm not gonna stop her. I'm sick and tired of always having to justify myself for everything I say and do around here. "Dad?" I turn around. "Leah? why aren't you dressed for school?" 

"I think I'm sick . . . ."

"What's the matter?"

"I have a really bad headache . . . and my stomach hurts . . ."

"Could it be that your head aches and your stomach hurts because of the math test you're having in school today?"

"No . . . ."

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