"Listen I get that Ethan is your favorite and you would do anything for him but he KILLED your daughter. How could you forgive him?"

"It was an accident"

"What?" "He didn't mean it. And even though he didn't mean it I was still sad and angry. But after a long time I got over it because now Ethan can live out my fathers legacy that I could not"

"And that would be...?" "Ridding the world of vampires"

I felt my heart skipped a beat. "Vampires? How could they beat a vampire"

"Every full moon a werewolf will turn. And once he's a wolf he will be drawn to vampires. A werewolf bite is like potion to vampires, it can kill them, and as far as I know there is no cure to it"

My thoughts immediately went to Isabella

I couldn't believe what he was saying. It all seemed so fake but giving the last couple weeks, I knew it was real

"I thought the curse was on moms side of the family" I say. "It is. My father was one a different breed of wolfs. Him and your other grandfather arranged our marriage. But your mom doesn't know that. She thought us meeting was fate but, it wasn't'" he says to me

"Well, if you want to rid the world of vampires you should know about the ones living under neath your noise"

He looks at me confused "what do you mean?"

"Ethan is a hybrid. Half werewolf, and half vampire, but I'm assuming you know that"

He first looks at me in shock then anger. "Oops, looks like the person you trusted the most has been lying to you. I guess you guys aren't really that close" I walk up to my room

Ethan's POV

After school I went to the Mystic Grill. I saw my dad sitting at the bar table with a bottle of Bourbon and an empty shot glass

"I wouldn't take you as a bourbon kind of guy Sean, whiskey is more your speed" I say walking and taking a seat next to him

"And I wouldn't take you as a heartless vampire but the world is full of surprises" he says and filled his glass

I sigh "oh come on. If anything I'm more lethal to vampires now that I'm a hybrid. No more waiting every month and going through bone breaking pain" I said grabbing a shot glass and filling it

"And Gray" he says

"Oh easy" I down the shot "I'm going to rip his heart out of his chest"

"Let me guess. Your humanity is off as well"

"You bet cha. It feels so amazing to not be burdened by emotions and feelings. Speaking of which, I don't need you anymore" I say to him

"What are you saying?" He asks me. "Well as you have noticed, I'm immortal hybrid, which means I have the ability to intoxicate 5 dozen vampires, grab lunch and by the morning they'll all be dead and I'll do it all over again. So as you can see you're useless to me" I say and walk out

When I walk out and see Brie walking towards me

"We need to talk" she says to me. "What about?" I question. "Just shut up and come with me" she says. I sigh and follow

She brings me to and alley way

"What do you want?" I ask her. "Nothing" she says. I look at her confused and then everything goes black

Isabella's POV

I snap Ethan's neck and he falls to the floor

We bring Ethan to my house. It was empty so this was a perfect place

We place him in a chair then I hear to doorbell ring and go to answer it

It was Olivia


"Hey. I'm here for the witch training" she says happily

"Perfect" I say and walk her to where Brie and Ethan are. "What did you do?" She asks

I start to make a circle around Ethan with salt. "He's going to be our testing dummy. You're going to help us get his humanity back but, we need you to do this spell" I hand her a piece of paper with the spell of it

"It's a Salt Boundary spell. It makes it so he can't get out but we can enter as we please" I say to her. She nods and does the spell

"Did it work?" She asks. "We'll find out soon enough"

I get behind him and put my hands on his forehead to enter his mind

Ethan's POV

I open my eyes

I'm in the middle of the road

It's night time

I looked around to recognize where I was

I turn around and see a car accident

I then knew exactly where I was

That was the crash that killed my sister

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