
Eventually, we got to Hogwarts.

"Ummm, Sirius, do we go with the first years or with you guys?" I asked.

"With us." he replied after a moment of thought.

So we rode in the carriges up to the school, where we were met by a professor called McGonagal.

"Why aren't you four with the first years?" she demanded.

Missy, Austin, and Mollie pointed at me.

"Sirius told me we were supposed to go with them." I exclaimed, practically throwing Sirius under the bus.

"Well I have news for you. Mr. Black and Mr. Potter are not very reliable people when it come to rules. Their detention records prove it. But they are, however, good people to go to if you need tutoring." McGonagal told us glaring at Sirius as he walked away.

Sirius's P.O.V.

Once we were out of earshot of McGonagall, James turned to me.

"Why did you tell them that they were supposed to come with us?"

I shrugged.

"You like that girl, Cora, don't you Sirius? Right Remus? Doesn't it seem like he likes her.... Remus?"

We both turned to look at him. He wasn't even paying attention. I think he might have been daydreaming!

"Hey! Remus! Did you hear what I said?" James said, waving a hand in front of Remus's face.

"What? Sorry..." Remus said.

"Never mind. You people can have crushes on new kids all you want." James sighed walking into the Great Hall without us.

Cora's P.O.V.

McGonagall led us into the Great Hall for our Sorting.

We were introduced as transfer students from Durmstrang, and when all eyes turned to us, I knew I was blushing.

It seemed as though we would have to put on an old hat. Evidentally, the hat would call out what house we are in. Ok. Not weird at all.

"Expin, Austin." McGonagall said, signaling it was his turn.

The hat was on his head for a while before...


The table with the green and silver tablecloth exploded into cheers.

"Expin, Missy."

It took even longer for her. My stomach was begining to churn. I just realized something. Four houses, four of us. This could go badly.


Again, the table yelled, and this time there was whistling too. I also saw Remus's face fall.

"Poweron, Mollie."

It took forever for the hat to decide on her.

And I was feeling dizzy and sick.


Same table, louder results.

Watch me be the odd ball and end up in Ravenclaw. I want to be in Slytherin or Griffindor so I will already know people.

"Zappin, Cora."

Oh god, I'm gonna be sick.

I sat there for a looong time.


Over the roar of the Slytherin table that was excitd they had gotten all four of us, I just barely heard Sirius groan. He must've wanted me to be in Griffindor.

I sat down with the other three, and was bombarded with introductions.

Two of them, I actually remembered.

"Hi, I'm Lucius Malfoy." said boy.

"And I'm Regulus Black." said another.

"Nice to meet you both. Are you Sirius's brother?"

"Yes. We don't get along, and he's not the best person to hang around, or his friends."

Now I didn't like this kid.

"I will make my own judgements, thank you." I replied coldly.

I saw Sirius motioning for me to talk to him in the Entrance Hall. I was confused.

"Guys, I'll be right back." I told Missy, Ausin, and Mollie.

When I found Sirius, I asked him what was wrong.

"You may want to see for yourself, but Malfoy and my borther are down right bullies. They beat up people on a regular basis. The only reason we bother them is for revenge."

"Ok. I'll believe you."

"Thank you."

The Slytherin Equivilence of the Marauders- A Marauders FanficWhere stories live. Discover now