Chapter 45 - 19 Years Later

Începe de la început

"Really?" He asked.
I nodded. "Really."
Gracey's POV
"Albus, don't be nervous. You're going to be in Slytherin. I just know it, same goes for Isabelle." Said James.

"No, I won't!" Isabelle exclaimed.
"Sure you will." Said James.

"That's enough, James." I said.

"Yes, Mom."

Harry and I turned to Albus and Isabelle.

"What if it really happens?" Isabelle asked.

"Look, you two. It doesn't matter." I said.

"Your Mom's right. If Gryffindor means so much to you, you chose it. The sorting hat takes your choice into the account." Said Harry.

"Really?" Albus and Isabelle asked.
We nodded.

"Come here." Albus hugged Harry and I hugged Isabelle.

"Hi guys!"

We pulled away and it was Belle and Draco.

"Hey, Belle."

Belle just smiled.
"So, how's Albus and Isabelle?" She asked.

"Just a little bit nervous." I replied.
Belle giggled. "Same goes for Scorpius."
Isabelle's POV
"I'll see you until Christmas, Mom." Said Serena.

I nodded and brought her into a hug.

"Be good. Watch over Josh and Scorpius." I said.

Serena pulled back and nodded.

"Be a good girl, okay Serena. Don't go out at nights. And make sure you stay at the castle safely. And----" Serena cut Draco off.

"I know, Dad. Always be at the castle at 7pm. Seriously, Dad. I'll be fine."

I giggled at that.

"But I'm just making sure." Said Draco.

Then I turned to Josh.

"Watch over your little brother."

He nodded and I pulled him into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you, Mom."

I pulled back and tucked his blonde hair out of the way.

"I'll miss you too. But don't worry, we'll see each other until Christmas." I said.

He nodded and went hug his Dad.

"Well, Scorpius...." I said, smiling at him.

He immediately came into my arms.

"I love you, Mom."

I smiled at that.

"I love you too."

He pulled back and started staring at Gracey's daughter, Isabelle. He's been doing that lately.

I just have to smirk. "Found your princess already?"

he looked down blushing.

I giggled.

"Just like your father. But, you're young Scorpius. That feeling you have there is very strong."

He nodded.

"Just tell her how you feel when the time is right." I said.

He smiled. "Thanks mom."

Then Serena, Josh, and Scorpius went to hug their little sister, Sophia.

"I'll miss you the most, Sophia." Said Serena.

Sophia smiled and kissed them on the cheek.

How cute.

Then we bread the whistle.

"All aboard!"

Serena, Josh and Scorpius got on abroad. They waved goodbye to us. And Draco and I waved back.

Sophia was about to follow them, but Draco grabbed her just in time, then he held Sophia in his arms.

"You have few more years to go, little princess." Said Draco.

Draco came back to me as we watched the train go.

"I'll miss them." Said Sophia.

I turned to her and smiled.

"You'll see them again."

Sophia nodded.
After we took Sophia to Narcissa to watch over. Draco and I went the Ministry.

We went to his office until we....hear two familiar voices.

"Shang! Don't burn those documents!" Said Lucius.

"Who said I'll be burning those?!" Dad asked.

Draco and I looked at each other an walked in.

"What are you two doing here?" Draco asked.

Dad and Lucius stopped and looked at us.

"And Dad, where you suppose to be with Josh?" I asked.

"I was suppose to, but this *points at Lucius* little git was in my way!" Dad replied.

Oh boy. Here we go again.

"Oh, really?! I was in here first!" Lucius argued back.

Draco and I stared at them and watch them argue.

"Got any popcorn?" I whispered to Draco.

He just chuckled.

"Lets leave them be." He said.

Which I totally agreed.

Once we walked out......

"Fire Style: Fireball Justu!"


Lucius came out running down the Ministry. While Dad came out of the office smirking.

I held in my laughter.

"Did you burn my office?" Draco asked my Dad.


Draco and I immediately ran into his office and shut the door.

There was silence until I let it out.
I was laughing so hard and Draco laughed along.

"That was so funny!!" I exclaimed.


My life with Draco was just great! Being with just great.

Never thought that I fell in love with him since that day when we were in potions together.

I didn't realize that I was staring Draco so I saw him smirk.

"Can't resist my looks?"

I looked away is blushing.

Draco suddenly got up from his seat and sat down beside me on the couch.

"You know, I'm happy that you're here." He said.
"Why's that?" I asked.

"So that I stare at my beautiful wife all day." He replied.

I giggled.

We leaned to each other and shared a kiss.

This is my happiest days of my life.
Having four kids and having a great husband into my life.

My life is just perfect with Draco Lucius Malfoy.

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