Chapter 18

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Isabelle's POV
When I woke up, I felt like something is in my stomach.
I jolt up and went outside.

Then I started to puke. Josh ran beside me.

"You all right?" he asked.

I nodded and continued to puke.

LIt must be the pregnancy thing." he said.

"Yep." I said.

Then Josh and I sense something. I stopped puking and looked ahead.

Another Death Eater.

"I'll deal with him." said Josh.
"Why not the both of us?" I asked.

"Belle, please don't be stubborn. You know why." he said.

I was about to argue back, but Josh already disappeared out of the force field.
Josh's POV
"Where do you think you're going?"

I asked the death eater.

He turned around and looked.

"No where. Why are you so interested?" he asked me.

I smirked.

"I"m not even interested. But I'm more interested how am I going to kill you."

He glared at him and he started to send a spell at me. I moved aside quickly.

I threw a kunai at him, but I missed.

Isabelle's POV
I watched Josh fight the death eater.
He's having lots of trouble.

I sighed, but I couldn't take this anymore.

I need to get out there and help out.
I pulled out my wand and pointed out my stomach.

Then I muttered the Protective Charm on my stomach.

I hope this works.

I did a hand sign and suddenly I was right beside Josh.

"Need any help?" I asked.

"I told you to stay out of this!" he snapped.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"And remember this, Josh. I don't listen to you."

Then I charged at the death eater with my kunai, but he moved.

"Just what I'm looking for." the death eater smirked.

I glared at him and secretly held my wand.

He send me a spell, which I blocked it.

"Stupefy!" It hit him.

Then Josh quickly went up him and held his kunai near his throat.

"Why were you looking for my sister?" he sneered.
Seriously though, you don't want to mess with Josh.

The Death Eater didn't answer.

"Answer me or die!" Josh snapped.

Then the death eater laughed evilly. "Like I would tell you."

Josh gripped on his kunai.

"Then you leave me no choice." with that, Josh slit his throat.

And I looked away.

He got up and put his kunai away.

"Sorry about that, Belle."
I shook my head.

"No, I'm used to it."

"Let's get going. We might lose them."

I nodded and went to look for Harry and the others.
Draco's POV
"WHAT?! Another Death Eater dead?!" The Dark Lord snapped.
"Yes, my Lord." said Yaxely.

"Who did it?!"
"The Chan siblings."

My eyes widen at that. I looked at my Mother with worry.
She might think the same thing.

"Isabelle Chan is getting stronger as we thought, my lord." Pius added.

I gulped.

"We need her in our group." said the dark lord.

My palm turned into a fist. Makes me want to punch the dark lord in the face.
I went into my room and started to kick everything.

I need to take this anger out.

Why does he need Belle anyway?

I have a feeling that he doesn't want Belle's elements, he wants something from her.


It was my mother.

I didn't turn to look at her.

"Draco, something the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, Mother." I replied.

"You're lying. A mother knows her son, Draco. I know you're hiding something from me." she said.

I sighed and turned to her.

"Belle.....she's carrying my child." I said.

Her eyes widen at that.

"What? When did you and her---" I cut her off.

"We did it a few months ago."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Mother asked.

"She told this since yesterday, mother." I replied.

She sighed.

"What's your father going to think?"
"Don't tell father about this." I said.

My Mother looked at me.

"He doesn't accept Belle as my girl. I want to keep it a secret for a while." I added.

Mother looked at me with concern.

"Okay, I'll keep a secret."

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