Chapter 28

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Harry's POV
After Malfoy came down, he had this sad look on his face.

"I'm going back." he said.

"Are you sure, Draco. You can always stay with your family." Gracey said.

"I'm sure. I don't want to bring any danger for them. Including my daughter." he said.

Gracey sighed and gave him a photo.

"Here. Take this."

Malfoy took it and it was a photo of Serena.

"Before I took the picture, I cleaned her up. You can keep that picture and I think you have Belle's picture as well." Gracey added.

Malfoy sniffed and wiped his tears.

"Thank you, Gracey." he said.

Gracey smiled and nodded.

"Come on, Draco. I'll take you back." said Josh.

Malfoy nodded.

"Take care." he said.
We nodded. Josh and Malfoy left.
Gracey's POV - That afternoon

Josh already came back and Belle's still resting upstairs.

It was quiet until Harry came back from visiting Dobby.

"I need to talk to the Golbin." he said. Bill nodded and lead us to a room. Josh followed us.
The Five of us went into the room, talking to the goblin. He was just sitting there, thinking.

"How are you?" Harry asked.
"Alive." he replied.
"You probably don't remember--" Harry was cut off.
"That I showed you to your vault the first time you came to Gringotts? Even amongest goblins you're famous, Harry Potter." he said.

Harry went to him but he stood by the window instead.

"And you brought me here." he said.

He nodded.

"You are...a very unusual wizard."

Harry just stared at him. Then he pointed at the sword.

"How did you come by this sword?" he asked.

Harry looked at the sword and then back at Griphook.

"It's complicated." he replied.

"Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in her vault at Gringotts?" Harry asked.

"It's complicated." replied Griphook.

"The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. We didn't steal it." Harry explained.

"There is a sword in Madam Lestrange's vault identical to this one...but it is a fake. It was placed there this summer." said Griphook.

"And she never suspected it was a fake?" I asked.

"The replica is very convincing. Only a Goblin would recognize that this is the true sword of Gryffindor." he replied.

"Who is the acquaintance?" Hermione asked.

"A Hogwarts Professor. As I understand it, he's now headmaster." Griphook replied.

"Snape?" Ron asked.

"He put a fake sword in Bellatrix's vault? Why?" Josh asked.

"They are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts." said Griphook.

"And in Madam Lestrange's vault as well?" Harry asked.

"Perhaps." he said.

"I need to get into Gringotts. Into one of the vaults." Harry said, with courage.

"This is impossible." said Griphook.
"Alone, yes. But with you, no." Harry added.

"Why should I help you?" Griphook asked.
"I have gold. Lots of it." Harry replied.

"I have no interest in gold." he said.
"Then what?" Harry asked.

He pointed at the sword.

"That. That is my price." he said.

Harry looked at the sword and sighed. He agreed to give the sword to him. The five of us went out of the room.

"Are you thinking there's a Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?" Hermione asked.

"She was terrified when she thought we'd been in there. She kept asking you what else we'd taken." Harry replied.

"Harry, does have a point." I said.

He nodded. "I bet you there's a Horcrux in there, another piece of his soul."

"Well, let's find it and kill it, we're one step closer to killing him." said Harry

"And what happens when we find it? How are we supposed to destroy it now you've given the sword to Griphook?" Ron asked.

"I'm still working on that part." Harry said.

Fleur came out of the door and look at us.

"He's weak." she said.
Fleur left and we went inside the other room. Mr. Ollivander was there.
Harry's POV

"Mr. Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions." I said.

"Anything, my boy, anything." he said. I nodded and sat on the bedside.

"Would you mind identifying this wand? We need to know if it's safe to use." I said as I gave him the wands.

He was examining it.

"Walnut. Dragon Heartsting. 12 3/4 inches. Unyie--Unyielding. This belong to Bellatrix Lestrange." he said.

"Treat it carefully." He gave it back to me.

Then I gave him another wand.

"And this?"

"Hawthorn. And unicorn hair. 10 inches. Resonably pliant. This was the wand of Draco Malfoy." he said.

"Was? Is it not still?" I asked.
"Well, perhaps not, if you won it from him. I sense it's allegiance has changed." he said.

Ollivander gave the wand back to me.

"You talk about wands as if they have feelings...can think." I said.

"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. That much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wandlore." said Ollivander.

"And what do you know about the Deathly Hallows?" I asked.

His smile faded away.

"It is rumored there are three: The Elder Wand...the Cloak of Invisibility to hide you from your enemies...and the Resurrection Stone to back loved ones from the dead. Together, they make one the master of death. But few truly believe that such objects exist." he replied.

"Do you? Do you believe they exist, sir?" I asked.

"Well, I--I see no reason to put stock into an old wives' tale." he said.

"You're lying." I said. Again, his smile faded away.

"You know one exist. You told him about it. You told him about the Elder Wand and where he could go looking for it." I said.

"He tortured me. Besides...I only conveyed rumors.There's....There's no telling whether he will find it." said Ollivander.

"He has found it, sir." I said. Ollivander looked at me, shocked.

"We'll let you rest." I said, getting up.

"He's after you, Mr. Potter." said Ollivander.

"If it's true, what you say and he has the Elder wand...I'm really don't stand a chance." he added.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to kill him before he finds me, then." I said.

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