Chapter 17 - News From Draco

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Isabelle's POV
"Draco Lucius Malfoy."

The mirror glowed and it started to show his face.

"Hey, babe." he said.

That made me smile.

"Are you alone?" I asked.
"Yeah, I am." Draco replied.

"How's everything?" I asked.

He suddenly frowned.

"Sorry, I shouldn't ask you that."

"It's okay, Belle. Everything over here, it's getting more worse." Draco replied.

"How worse?" Josh blurt it out.

"Josh? When did you get there?" Draco asked.

"I've been here, idiot." Josh replied.

"Geez....sorry." Draco said.

I chuckled at them.

"Anyway, Death Eaters are all over the place. It's dangerous." Draco added.

"We know." Josh said.

"Are you guys in a safe place?" Draco asked.

"Not really." I mumbled.

"What?" Draco asked in shock.

"We're going to find Harry and the others." Josh replied for me.

"What? And Belle is with you?!" Draco snapped at Josh.

"Hey! She chose to come with me. You can't blame me, Draco. I tried to stop her as well." Josh defended.

Draco looked at through the mirror.

"Just don't do anything stupid." he said.

I nodded.

"And be careful." he added.

"I'll be extra careful." I said, looking down at my stomach.

"Hey, what's wrong." he asked me.

I glanced at Josh, wondering if I should tell him now.

Josh nodded.

"He has the right to know." he said.
"Know about what?" Draco asked.

I looked at Draco and sighed.

"Remember that one night, Draco?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Well, something happened...." I trailed off.

"What happened?" Draco asked, freaking out.

"It's nothing, really." I said.
"But Belle, the way I look at it, you look pale." he said.

"I know. It's because......"Again I trailed off.
"Because....." Draco said.

"Because I'm carryingyourchild." I said very fast.

Draco looked confused.

"Say it a little slower." he said.
"I'm carrying your....child." I said.

And he was shocked about that.

"How long?" Draco asked.
"I'm a week pregnant." I replied.

Draco didn't say anything else.

"I understand if you don't want the baby, I'll just---" he cut me off.



"Oh my gosh! I'm a Dad!" Draco exclaimed.

"Oh brother." Josh mumbled.

"Calm down Draco." I said.
He smiled at me through the mirror.

"I'm so happy, I wish I can hold you." he said.

I giggled at him.

"But you're supposed be in a safe place." he added.

"Look, Draco. I'm not going to sit in a safe place and wait for you to come back. And I'm not letting my friends die out there." I said.

"But---" This time, I cut him off.

"I'll be extra careful, I promise."

Draco sighed.

"Let me talk to him." said Josh. I nodded and gave him the mirror.

"Josh, you have to let Belle go back." said Draco.

"I tried telling her that when we started this mission, but she wants it this way." Josh said.

"I'm worried about her and the baby." said Draco.

"I know how you feel, Draco. But I promise you, I'll take care of her. She's my sister after all." Josh said.

I heard Draco sighed.

"Don't worry, Draco. I'll be fine." I said.

Draco was about to say something else but we heard footsteps.

"Got to go, be safe you two." he said.

We nodded as his face disappeared.

"You sure you wanted to stay?" Josh asked me.

I nodded.

"It's my ninja way. I'm not going to sit here and let my friends and family die."

Josh sighed and patted my head.

"I guess...I can't stop you then, you're too stubborn." he said.

I chuckled.

"You better get some rest. I'll keep watch." said Josh.

"No buts, think about the baby, Belle." said Josh.

I sighed and nodded.

I got up and went inside the tent. And I started to think about Gracey. My best friend.

I wonder how she's doing?
Good Chapter? Or Bad Chapter?
I did my best on this one. Imagine the look on Draco's face when Belle told him that she's pregnant.
Hope you like it!

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