The trouble with Philip

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Alexander Hamilton sighed as he walked up the steps to Revolution Monumental School. He didn't want to be late to his students. His job was a 12th Grade Language Arts Teacher. A student, Jennifer, waved to him from her group of friends. He sighed.
"I love my job." He walked into the conference room.
"Hi Alex!" James Madison said as he walked in. James was a shy 12th Grade History Teacher.
"What do you think we should do about Philip and George?" A voice said, Maria Reynolds, the sultry 9th Grade Math Teacher. She flipped her black hair out of her face.
"I know, they are in all the same classes and George will not stop picking on that poor boy! Philip can't help that he's the only 9 year old in 10th grade!"
"People! We are teachers and part of our job is to prevent bullying! Philip has been doing more than well on his assignments so maybe we should bump him up to 12th Grade." Benjamin Franklin, the ancient 10th Grade Science Teacher said.
"Or we should put that poor boy back in 4th Grade, where he can be with other kids his age!" Angelica Schuyler, the 5th Grade Language Arts Teacher argued.
"Guys! Why don't we just let him graduate! His IQ is more than average! 224! I should know, I've tested him." Thomas Paine, the Special Ed Teacher said.
"Thomas! Philip is a little boy! He needs to learn how to be a kid and stop being forced to grow up so fast!" Peggy Schuyler, the Elementary School Section's art teacher retorted.
"Peg! Kids grow up! We can't play blocks and finger paint forever!" Thomas Jefferson, the 8th Grade History Teacher said.
"Guys! Enough! I will deal with George! You all have kids to teach, not you Paine! Adams, come with me. We will set that boy straight." Principal Washington said. All the teachers got up and went to their classes, except for John Adams, the guidance counselor.
Alex walked down the halls, bumping into a young woman with light skin and black hair.
"Oh! Eliza! I'm sorry!" He flushed.
"Oh that's all right, you better get to class, my kids can wait, yours can't." The sweet Preschool teacher smiled.
Alex smiled at her. He had a huge crush on her but would never let anyone know. Their job was strictly professional. The two went their Separate ways, both blushing madly.

As Alexander was reading a passage to his class, he heard a knock on the door.
"Anya could you answer that for me?" He said. A short girl with pale skin, golden brown eyes, and red hair got up and opened the door. There stood Thomas Paine, holding Philip's hand. Philip was a small boy with tan colored skin and big brown eyes. He had curly brown hair that was poofy and he was carrying a red notebook.
"Mr Paine! What a wonderful surprise! And hello to you Philip!" Alexander exclaimed. Philip shyly waved at him.
"Mr Hamilton, we were just coming in to see if Philip could handle 12th Grade work."
"Sure. Come right on in."
Philip sat down at an empty desk and listened, spellbound by the poem.

The next day, Alexander was shocked to see Philip stride into his first period class and sit in the front of the class. Later he would learn that Philip was now officially a High School Senior. Alex got used to having Philip in his class. Philip bonded with Alexander instantly and even hung out after school with him. One morning, things went south.

Philip came in with sunglasses on his face, which wasn't really unusual, speaking as it was a hot Mid May Day. The unusual part was that he had a turtleneck sweater on. When class got out, Alex held Philip back.
"Philip, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong Mr Hamilton. I'm fine." He said in a Monotone voice.
"Philip can you please take off your sunglasses?" Alexander asked, worry in his eyes. Philip obeyed and stripped his face of the glasses. His left eye was black and swollen and he had a chipped tooth.
"Philip, would you go with me to the office please." Alex asked.
"No! It's a trap!" He said, he took off running.
"Philip!" Alex yelled, running after him. But Philip was soon out of sight. Alex ran to the office, where he interrupted a meeting between Principal Washington and Superintendent Fredrick.
"Hamilton! This better be important!" Washington said.
"Sir, there is a hurt student who has run. We need to find him." Hamilton said.
"Which student?"
"Philip Lavien."
"Oh dear god. Let's get the security guard out after him." The superintendent said. Hamilton cringed. He knew Officer Lee would show no mercy against this frightened boy.
"With all due respect, no. I will go find the boy." Alex said.
"And I will too!" Said a female voice. Alex turned around to find Ms Schuyler, the Preschool teacher.
"Mr Washington, you go keep an eye on Hamilton's class, Mr Fredrick can go keep an eye on my kids."
Eliza grabbed Alex's hand and pulled him outside. "Come on. We need to find that boy. I'll call Mr Paine." Eliza said, whipping out her phone. She turned it on and dialed Mr Paine's number.
"Mr Paine. It's Eliza. Is Philip with you?" Asked Eliza. Some murmuring replied.
"Okay. Thank you." She hung up.
"He's not there." Eliza said. Then Alexander caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. There was Philip, sitting next to a tree with is face in his hands. Alex and Eliza walked over to Philip.
"Philip?" Eliza asked, kneeling in front of Philip.
"Don't hit me." He sobbed.
"I would never hit you Philip. I've known you since you were a little kid." She said. Philip fell into her arms and hugged her.

A week later Philip was back in school after the court hearing. His father had shot his mother and beat Philip and was sentenced to 30 years in Prison. But Philip had no immediate family and was put up for adoption. Eliza immediately seized her chance and adopted him. Alexander began dating Eliza shortly afterwards. George did not stop bullying Philip but besides that everyone was happy and there was rainbows and sunshine for the moment. The end.

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