Chapter Eleven: Of Parties

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"Com-com-compatriot Talmadge! What are you doing here?" Iliana blinked in surprise. "Shouldn't you be at school?" She immediately wanted to face palm and bemoan her stupidity, but she didn't. Instead, Iliana straightened her spine and recovered her nerves. "Is there something you need?" Her voice sounded calm and collected, but inwardly, her brain was tipping in dizzying confusion.

It was Talmadge's turn to blink now, momentarily confused by her seeming recovery. But then he too straightened up and gestured to the black limousine behind him. "Your presence is required, Compatriot Cato."

"Am I in trouble?" Her voice wavered for a moment, and her mind flashed back to her electronic foray that morning. Had it only been that morning? Her discovery seemed ages ago and so far away right now, like it had been someone else messing with her computer. But now, now she might get arrested for those moments of indiscretion. Why didn't I listen to my better judgement?! If only I'd been patient! If only I'd kept rule following! What will they tell Mom and Dad? Or my friends?

"Compatriot Cato?" Talmadge waved his hand in front of her face. "Are you coming?"

"I-I'm coming. Do I need to collect some necessary things?" Iliana half-turned away from the door, uncertain as to whether this was an arrest or not.

Talmadge smirked. "Everything will be provided in due time. I strongly suggest you accompany me of your own volition, Compatriot. I am authorized to use force if necessary."

"Force is entirely unnecessary, Compatriot Talmadge." Iliana's voice was haughtily icy and her glare violently flaming. If looks could kill...

"Then please step this way." Stepping out of the way, Talmadge gestured to the waiting vehicle once more. "Your presence is required."

Gathering her courage and her nerves, Iliana forced her body down the sidewalk. Every step felt like the jerk of a puppeteer and her limbs seemed wooden. But however stiff her physical being was, her mind was racing a million miles an hour in hyperdrive. Will they execute me? Torture me? What will happen to my friends and family? Suddenly, she noticed that Talmadge had opened the car door and was grandly bowing in a somewhat mocking manner.

Iliana seated herself, but pointedly ignored his 'grand' gesture. The nerve of him! Trying to impress me while he arrests me! Does he think I am a shallow fool to flirt in the face of death? Just then she noticed him talking into his Band.

"I have the girl. Coming to you now." He looked up, realized she was watching him, and quickly ended the conversation. "Good mid-day, Compatriot Cato. How do you fare? Tired?" Smirking, he waited for her reaction.

Iliana tried not to flinch, although she was sure he was referring to her late night 'adventure'. "I'm fine, thank you."

"Oh really?" Talmadge didn't even try to not look amused. "Aren't you the least bit curious? Or afraid? Or are you just the loyal rule follower who won't say a word even as she is led to her death or while her friends die?"

Although his facial expression never changed, Iliana was sure his tone became vitriolic with...Bitterness? Anger? Annoyance? Am I just imagining his inflection changed? But why should he be angry at me? I only just met him the other day! Maybe I did something to someone he knows...or knew. But what? I- She never saw him plunge the hypodermic needle into her neck and knock her out.

Blackness. Opening eyes. Blinding light! Iliana blinked, and then tried slowly cracking her eyes open to let them gradually focus and adjust to the light. She was in a hospital room - or what looked liked one anyways. Everything was a glaring, brilliantly clean white. There was a very sparse scattering of furniture: a cot, a chair, a sink, a mirror, a cabinet, and a small folding table.

Refuge of LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora