Chapter 1~ Chloe

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Fucking Briar. The bitch did it again, I keep telling her not to leave her crusty clothes on the bathroom floor. Every freaking day. The bathroom is the one place I cannot stand having clothes on the floor, on the contrary any other room could be filled with clothes and I wouldn't care.

I stood there standing next to the toilet looking down at the clothes. I was contemplating what I should do with it. Should I throw it out the window? Or maybe set fire to it? So many possibilities with such a lazy attitude to prolong any of the extreme ideas.

"Fuck it." I mumble under my breath, throwing her crusty clothes in the tub with me. I was too damn lazy to do anything else with it. I twist the knob of the bath to let the water burst into the ceramic tub. I sit in the cold water for a minute until it warms up. I preferred hot showers, but laziness overcame me. So at the moment I preferred whatever I was given. 

My eyes wander towards the shampoo and conditioner and notice that there's only enough for one washing. I knew Briar was going to need to wash her hair  more than the bald headed me,  the little amount of hair on my head probably only needed a small drop of the shampoo and I didn't even need to bother with conditioner. 

I look down at her clothes one more time, maybe I did it out of spite or it could have just been my boredom but, Oh-freaking-well, I squeeze the rest of the shampoo into my hand. Then evenly spread it across my pink hair and gradually use the excess that dripped down to rub into the rest of my non-existing hair. I think of how unnecessary and what a waste of time that was, pointless thoughts and pointless actions.  

The door opens and the one and only Briar walks in, only to find that the clothes that she left on the marble floor weren't there. I smirk I knew exactly what she was thinking--
"Where the hell are my clothes Chloe?" The exact words that came out of her mouth. All I did was give her a look that stated, "I already fucking told you." Giving up on waiting for me to say something (which I wasn't going to do). 

I study her exhausted hungover face. Nothing I haven't seen millions of times before. I glance over her hourglass figure. We have the same figure, Briar is just thicker than I am. Once she notices me looking at her body, I look back up into her hugely rounded hazel blue eyes. Mine were almond like, with gray blue eyes. As if she knows what I'm thinking she tells me to stop drooling over her and pay attention to her.  I roll my eyes and keep eye contact with her to let her know that I'm paying attention to her. It was literally the only thing I seemed capable of at the moment.

"So where are my clothes?" She furrows an eyebrow, lips pursed. Her facade was easy to see through sometimes. But then again I have known her for a while. She wasn't questioning where her clothes were. She knew exactly where the clothes were, she just felt like having a pointless conversation. And the phrase is at it again, 'pointless conversations for pointless people.' A phrase that I've used since 8th grade.

"I told you not to leave your clothes next to the shower... bitch." I kick her now soaking clothes to the middle of the bathtub where it's visible to her.
"Bloody hell." I hear her say a little louder than a whisper, later to add an 'oh well' under her breath.This  an expected this reaction from her, after all the shit I've done to her this is only a minority.

 Once her hair is drenched from standing under the shower head a while, she proceeds to reach for the shampoo bottle but oh hey there's nothing left.  Briar steps out into the marble floor soaking wet  and opens the cabinet and pulls out a bottle of some dollar store shit you know that Vo5, what a cheap ho. Me too though. 

I look at her and watch her put the shampoo in her  vibrant blue hair, I watch the color drip down her body. Briar looks me directly in the eyes I look at myself through her eyes. Briar moves her mouth as if she's about to say something, I already know what she's about to say, I can see it in her eyes, "Stop staring at me you fucking cow in heat" I keep staring at her "is that what you were thinking Briar?" I ask.

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