Pages 221+222

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As formidable as Probabilitor seemed, I'm proud to say that the Pines family (plus one) was able to beat the wizard at his own game. Mabel's contributions was (of course) to cheat our way to victory, but Bella's d̶i̶s̶t̶u̶r̶b̶i̶n̶g̶ extraordinary imagination proved to be invaluable as well. When we needed a means of escape, she thought up something called a Milli-taur. Her explanation was "the more legs something has, the faster it runs."

But after I fought ogres and elves alongside him, it was Stanford who impressed me the most. Pondering our adventure and the bond we shared we shared over the game, I finally took it upon myself to read his journal that he had been wanting to show me.


I don't mean this lightly when I say that I was floored by what I saw. Instead of the aimless aggression of a typical adolescent, I discovered the same obsession with the supernatural as myself. Page after page, I read on as he navigated beasts, evaded villians, defeated ghosts, and even took down a Gremloblin. Sure, he's rough around the edges (and prone to romantic distraction), but he possesses bravery, cleverness, imagination, and drive for beyond his years.

More surprising still, yesterday he told me that he is also queer- LGBT+- just like me! (Although certainly in different ways.) To say that I felt like I was reading about a younger version of myself is an understatement. I always thought I was the odd member of the family, but perhaps I have truly found a kindred spirit.

I presumed that there was no one on this Earth who I could consider an ally and friend. I may have been wrong.

Trusting in someone new is not coming easily. I told Ford about the rift. But when he asked me where I've been for the last 30 years, I had no idea how to begin on what to reveal. I've been trying not to think about it, but perhaps writing about some of it here will help me get my thoughts in order. Perhaps it's time I finally reveal...



After he was brought to life, Probabilitor kidnapped Dipper and me. He took us to the forest to eat our brains, but luckily Mabel, Bella, and Stan rescued us! They played against him in a game of D&D& More D and won! Graunty Mabel somehow rolled a perfect 38, which beat the Impossibeast and won us our lives, and Bella thought up the Milli-taur to help us escape the Ogre-nado. Her logic was that it would run faster because it has more legs.

After the whole ordeal, Great Uncle Dipper asked if he could read my journal. I've been wanting to show him for so long!


He read it through and said how amazing it was that I'd fought so many creatures this summer. It was awesome! He also said something about my- embarrassing- crush on Dan, but I assured him that I don't like him anymore, and that me liking Preston was quickly shut down. I̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶F̶i̶d̶d̶l̶e̶f̶o̶r̶d̶,̶ ̶e̶i̶t̶h̶e̶r̶.̶

We talked a bit about me being gay, too. He brushed past it yesterday, but I felt like he wanted to say something. And he did. He asked about the LGBT+ (which wasn't formed until after he went through the portal) and I told him about all the new laws that have been passed. He seemed really happy when I said that people are a lot more accepting now- even in Gravity Falls!

He also showed me the Rift, a tear in this dimension. He didn't say much about it, except that Mabel accidentally created it when handling the portal, and that it's extremely dangerous...

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