Chapter 24

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Beep... beep... beep. Everything was dark around me, no light, no anything. I looked down at my hands and wondered why I could see them in this pitch black. What happened to me? What happened... Deandra... Where is Deandra? Did she get away? No... She has to pay... She has to pay for what she did to everyone. Beep... beep... beep.

"It's all your fault!" Her last scream echoed around the dark. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. Stop accusing me... It's not my fault! I didn't ask him to touch me! I didn't ask him to rape me and my friends! I never asked for him to teach us how to be prostitutes! Stop accusing me! "It's not my fault!" I screamed, drowning out the echoing voice. Beep... beep... beep.

A light opened a head of me, blinding me momentarily. There was someone in the light though, a very familiar someone, lavender hair bouncing with every step she took. My eyes began to fill with tears as I looked at her and watched her smile at me. "Sup skank?"

I launched myself at her and held her tightly. "Undra!" She hugged me back and rubbed my back.

"It's good to see you too."

Beep... beep... beep...

"How... why..." I was having a hard time forming sentences.

"Kisa, I'm here to stop you." The look in her eyes... she was dead serious.

"Stop me from what?"

Beep... beep... beep...

She turned around. "See that light? If you touch it... it's all over, you'll never be able to live again."

What was she saying? "Am I dead?"

Undra let out a laugh and petted my back hard. That's a perfectly acceptable question, isn't it? "Not yet. That's why I'm here. You need to turn around sweetie."

"But Undra-"

"Stop." She held up a hand. Her smile was small and sad. "It's not time for you join us here yet. You have a whole new life you have yet to live with amazing people by your side. Go back."

Beep... beep... beep...

"I miss you." I said, tears rolling down my face.

She pulled me into another hug. "I miss you too. But we'll be together again someday. Just... not today." Undra turned me around and pushed me forward, causing me to trip and fall on my back. Looking up though... it was a whole different scene. It was foggy... but there was someone... looking in at me... Or was I looking out at them?

Beep... beep... beep...

"Why isn't she waking up?" The voice practically growled. But there was a certain sadness to it.

"It might take a few days. Her injuries were pretty severe. It's all up to her now whether she wakes up or not."


Something tightened around my hand, but when I looked down... there was nothing there. I looked back to the picture but it was gone. Yet... something wet hit my face. Once again though when I checked, there was nothing there. Broken, angry cries filled the dark space. The light still shone in front of me, giving me a choice. But that voice... I know that voice... Those cries... Don't cry, please.

"Please, Kisa. Wake up. I'm sorry for what I said and did, I should never have assumed that. Kisa, I love you."

Beep... beep... beep...

"I can't lose you."


"Don't die."


"I love you."


The cries continued to sound around me and I clamped my hands over my ears and tightly shut my eyes. Please, don't cry.

Beep... beep... beep...


The first thing I heard was that stupid beeping sound of the heart monitor. But soon, the sound was drowned by another more desperate sound. It was the first time I had heard this sound, yet I knew exactly what is was, and I would do anything in my power to stop it. Gaara. It was Gaara's voice, but it was choked by soft, almost inaudible sobs. He was crying. And that very sound was devastating to me.

I couldn't feel anything... My eyes wouldn't open... and I couldn't seem to find my voice. Please, I want to do something to stop his crying. Gaara... Feeling began to come to one of my hands. It was being held tightly and something warm and wet was running down it. I tried to move my hand, but only succeeded in twitching my fingers. This small motion though quieted Gaara.

Feeling began to return to me. I found my lips and tried to say something, but I could only barely move them, my jaw was stiff and couldn't move. Soon, my eyes cracked open and my vision was blurry. But I could see a blur of red hair to my side and let my head fall sideways to get a better look. "Kisa." Gaara whispered almost.

My eyes blinked a few times slowly, getting clearer each time. Gaara... His eyes were wide, sad, tear filled and face wet with already shed tears. His hand slipped under my head to touch my cheek and I slowly breathed out, loving the feel of his warmth. I tried hard and was successful in bringing a small smile to my face. But for some reason that only made his tears fall more.

"Don't." I croaked, reaching out with the hand I could feel clear his tears.

He took hold of my hand again. "I thought I had lost you."

Everything was coming back to me, all feeling and memories of what happened. The wrapping on my collarbone and shoulders was stiff and uncomfortable as I moved my arm to try to sit up. Gaara tried to push me down again, saying I needed to take it easy, but I kept at it until I was finally sitting up in the hospital bed and could slowly, stiffly, reach my arms out to Gaara. He looked for a moment like he was questioning whether or not to hold me. But in the end, he sat on the edge of my bed and pulled me up onto his lap, holding me close.

I kissed his cheek and nuzzled his neck with my nose. "It will take a lot more than a bat shit crazy bitch with a knife to take me away from you." I said.

His hold on me tightened. "Kisa, what I said at the house..."

"It's okay, Gaara."

"I do care about you."

My smile grew, thinking about what I had heard in my sleep and right before I passed out on the street. "I know." I looked up at him to see him looking down at me with an upset expression. "I care about you too Gaara." He lowered his head down and pressed his lips to mine. When he pulled away there was a certain emotion behind his eyes, and I felt it right to finally tell him. Leaning on his shoulder, I tightened the hug. "I love you."

His arms became a protective barrier around me, and I loved the feeling. "Kisa, I love you." And somehow, everything felt right. Everything felt... wonderful. And I felt like nothing could make this moment better. I love you.

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