Chapter 4

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"I've seen him a few time with the other girls. A lot of girls didn't trust him and thought he was really creepy, but some just saw him as another customer." I said. Gaara and I were in his office, him interviewing me and trying to get the full detail of what I knew about the man. He had told Kankuro and Temari to go back to bed, even though I begged to have Kankuro in the room too. I trust him a little more than I do Gaara. He's a cutie but he's got the creep factor going for him.

"What else can you tell me?"

"He's an older man. Chela turned him down once and she pointed him out and mentioned a big scar," I mimed with my finger starting at my right temple and curving down to the side of my neck. "right there. But I had never seen him closely enough to tell."

"Okay. I'm going to give you five pictures, you tell me if you recognize any of these girls." He handed me the pictures and I began to flip through them, feeling my heart fall as I tossed them on the desk and set my head in my hands.

"I knew all of them."

"Did you ever see the man with them?"

I picked up one of the pictures and handed it to him. "For sure with her." He wrote something down and tried to continue but I had to stop. "I'm sorry, I'm just so tired. Can we pick this up later?" He nodded consent and I got up and walked around to behind him, putting my arms over his shoulders and leaning in to whisper in his ear. "You know cutie, the offer is still open if you want to join me on the couch."

"Off." I let go and walked around.

"So fast to reject, won't even give it a courtesy thought." I faked my hurt feeling but he gave me a serious answer. One that in all honesty gained some respect from me.

"I don't need to think about it because I know I don't need it. Unlike some of your patrons I have self control."

Pausing in the door, I looked back at him and gave him a small smile. "If more men were like you this world would be a much better place to live in." His gaze only one I could categorize as surprise, so I blew him a kiss and said goodnight.


That girl is confusing. For several minutes I continued to look at the door and think about what she said. Never did I expect something like that to come out of her mouth. It was... for some reason it felt nice to hear it.

Temari poked her head in and I waved her in. "Get anything useful?" She asked.

"I was able to get an age range of the suspect and Kisa says she knows the other girls." She gave me a meaningful look.

"How have you been doing?" I knew she didn't mean my health and sighed, tired of having this conversation with her. "I'm just trying to help you Gaara. You're the one who said you wanted to become more conversive and more approachable."

"I know."

She looked over at my desk and picked up the invitation I had received earlier that day. "Ebizo's party is coming up next week. Maybe it would help if you went with a girl? You would seem kind then and approachable with a girl around you."


"I'm just saying. It would really be your best option. You could ask Matsuri!" All I had to do was give her a look and she immediately took that one back. She knows Matsuri is strictly student only. Why, because that girl is clingy and annoying after an hour. "Okay maybe not Matsuri, but there are plunty of girls you can ask." She got up and walked around to place a hand on my shoulder. "Just think about it Gaara."

I watched her leave and put my head in my hand. I need to get some work done before I can even think something like that. My focus returned to the investigation. Maybe with Kisa's help this can be figured out before Ebizo's party. Then maybe it can be enjoyable. But now I have what Temari said to think about.

With a sigh, I put the investigation stuff away and made my way up to the roof.

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