day 1.3- 2nd & 3rd Prince

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Third Person's Point of View

Jano keeps thinking about the guy and his boss, it’s really unbelievable that they knew each other and unintentionally the person who approached Jano is his Friends Boss.

From the dinning kitchen, he can see the two of them at the living room, it seems like they were good friends and close to each other.

Jano bring some juice for them, and still thinking how could it be possible.

Fred called Jano.

“Yes sir?”
Reply to his boss.

“Mmm this is Kenrald my childhood best friend, kindly clean up the guest room for Ken okay?”

“Okay sir!”
Jano said.

Fred corrected him.

“ah haha, yes Fred”
Then he left.

“Know what? That cutie boy is very funny it’s unbelievable that the one who brought me here is him, what a coincidence right?”

“Tss Bro! Could you please call him by his name? I don’t want to hear that “Cutie Boy” Thing, so irritating! “

The guy said and drinks the juice.

“Why? He’s cute”

The guest insisting and laughs, it is true that Jano has a charming face, even if he grew up at the province he had a white skin compare to the others, his eyes looks like an angles eye and his lips look soft and sweet.

“The Hell I care? Tss, why don’t you get your things first okay?”

Said Fred in irritated voice, He admitted that Jano is cute but of course it’s a wrong Idea to flirt with him since he’s just his House boy, besides he’s not sure if Jano is into boys.

“Yieee, are you jealous Boss? Cutie boy is ‘UGH’”

Then he laughs at him, he knows his friend and anytime or soon Fred can’t hold himself.

“Hey! I’m not jealous okay!”

Fred Defend to his friend but too late, Ken ran away to went outside with laughing so hard.

While in the other corner of the house...

Jano’s Point of View

Apparently, I’m standing here at the guest room, it is the room where the girl came from last time and I guess Fred and that girl used it.

Unbelievable, How did the used it?
Looking at the room, the bed is messy while the pillows was scattered around the room.

How should I start here? It doesn’t seem like a room!

Aist, anyway good luck to me
I grab the broom stick and started to fly!

Char! I’m kidding!
[A/N: in Filipino, “Char” is a Gay language means “I’m kidding, kidding, or the statement are supposed to be a joke, so basically it’s redundant but suddenly in other aspect of using char could become an expression so don’t mind it haha, Let us back to the story.]

woah! There’s a bunch of ashes here, but wait? What was that?

I saw some unidentified plastic at the bottom bellow of the bed so I reach it using my hand and it feels like slimy and sticky, so when I look at th...

FUCK! What’s this?

My eyes become wide open and I quickly throw it at the floor.
Ow shit! i mumbled to my self.


No! It’s not just a condom! Its..

It’s USED CONDOM! The Fuck! What a used condom supposedly doing here?

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