Gloom: Yaku Morisuke

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This is a Yaku Morisuke x Reader from the Haikyuu!! series. One shot only and no spoilers ahead. Requested by happyelyse on deviantart.

You've been cooped up in your house for days. It's the Christmas season and frankly, no one goes out to have fun in the snow anymore. It was too cold for you, and you won't go outside unless it's urgent. A whole day would go by and you wouldn't notice. The clouds were too gray for any sunshine to peek through it.

"Such gloomy weather for such a cheerful season..." You sighed and glanced at your phone – the only beacon of hope you have for social interaction. Sadly, none of your friends have been chatting you, partly because of the season, but also because you weren't an extrovert to begin with. Even your best friend, Kenma Kouzume, has been busy. You go to school with him, a sophomore as well. Nekoma High, residing in Tokyo. That's where you met your boyfriend of two years, Kenma's teammate, Yaku Morisuke.

The thought of him made you smile, as he smiles frequently, mostly at and because of you. Yaku's always been there for you, no matter where you were or what you were doing. If you needed him, he'd be there. As if on cue, your phone, which you've been staring at for quite a while, dinged – a text message arrived.

"Good evening, _____-chan~ Bet you're still bored at home, huh? Sorry I can't visit that often. Nekomata-sensei is really pushing us hard in practices. I'm so tired!! Help me!"

You grinned even wider at the text from your boyfriend. With a sudden burst of energy, you typed in your reply.

"It's alright, Yakkun. I know you're busy. And yes, I'm still here. I feel like a prisoner like this! Good luck on your practice! Take care on your way home, okay?"

With a tap on 'send', you sat up from your bed and stretched out your muscles. You felt happier now, knowing that he's thinking of you just as you were thinking of him. It made you sad that you rarely see him anymore. Your houses were too far away from each other and he always had practices from morning to late afternoon. There just wasn't enough time for you two to spend together. But being reminded that he was thinking about you, even though he wasn't physically there, made all that sadness go away.

You sighed, glanced outside your window, and noticed the street lights turning on. It really was evening already, and you didn't notice. Your stomach growled. As you rubbed it, you made your way downstairs and into the kitchen to heat up some dinner. You turned the television on for some background noise and proceeded to tend to your hunger.

You were almost finished when the doorbell rang. Spoon still in your mouth, you stood up and went to the door. Opening it, you dropped the spoon when your mouth gaped open. Good thing he was there to catch it.

"I told you to leave your spoon when you leave the table to do something. You're so silly, _____-chan." Yaku laughed as he carefully placed it back into your mouth. He noticed your surprised look and rubbed his nape. "I felt like you were missing me, so I left early to come here. Is that... okay?" He sent a worried look your way and you quickly removed the spoon from your mouth.

"O- of course! I mean- I just- You said you weren't able to visit!" You breathed between your words, unable to express your happiness and surprise properly. Yaku went past you and into your house, lightly pushing you aside to close the door. You watched him take off his jacket and shiver from the cold.

"I didn't say I couldn't visit today though." He smirked and you remembered that it was true. "I hope you were eating meat when I interrupted. I'm starving!!" He held your hand and lead you back to the dining area, where you two spent the rest of the evening together.

The gloomy weather didn't seem so gloomy anymore with him around

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