Multiple Choice : Apollo Justice

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This is an Apollo Justice x Reader from the Ace Attorney series. One shot only and no spoilers ahead.

With a flip of your (_h/c_) hair in the direction of the prosecutor, you yelled, "And THAT your Honor, proves that our client is, without a shred of doubt, proven innocent!" The next sound that echoed throughout the courtroom was the sound of the gavel.

"I declare the defendant... innocent!" The Judge bellowed. Court was adjourned.

As soon as you left the room, your aide, the one and only Apollo Justice, rushed out as chipper as ever. "That was amazing, ________! You flipped the whole case while I was still figuring it out!" You blushed at the compliment. You've had a crush on him ever since you awkwardly came in the Wright Anything Agency looking for a job.

He beamed at you and you squeaked out a "Th-thanks, Polly. Couldn't have done it without you, as always." The two of you started to leave the courtroom.

"Oh, yeah. ____, do you have plans later?" Apollo asked. "No, not really, why?" You said. He opened his mouth to answer but the sounds of fans filled the lobby.

"____! ____!!!" "Oh my gawd, there she is!" "She won another case!" "She's so awesome!" "So gorgeous like usual!" You sweatdropped and slowly turned your head towards the screaming.

After a year of working as a fresh lawyer, your popularity skyrocketed and attracted lots of fans. You were a superstar in the courtrooms. You tried to humbly return all the gifts the fans gave you, but the more you did, the more they gave you. So you learned to accept them and stack them in your apartment. The screaming never ceased though. After every case, these fans rush in and applaud you. Even in your losses, they shouted how honorable that loss was and stuff like that. What bothered you most was how they get the news so quickly.

But of course there's the male fans. Or, what they want you to think of them as, prince charmings. Always, always, always they try and try to ask you out on dates. You never accepted. There was that one pointy haired guy in your heart after all.

You absentmindedly glanced in his direction, only to find him staring back at you. After a nanosecond, you both turned away blushing. While you were flustered, a guy grabbed your wrist and pulled you away. He was one of the fans you figured, after hearing him shout, "I've had enough waiting! You're going on a date with me, even if I have to force you!" His grip was too strong for you to cut loose.

Apollo heard as well and bolted for the door. Before the guy successfully fled, with you in tow, another fan grabbed you. Soon, your male fans were fighting each other in front you, all for the prize of your attention. Apollo slipped his hand around your elbow to take you away quietly but as soon as he did, the first fan that grabbed you clung to your wrist again and now you were being pulled on both arms.

"Let her go." Apollo said in a serious tone. You felt the fan tense at Apollo's voice but made no move whatsoever.

"Wh-who are y-you?" The guy said. This snapped Apollo.

"How can you not know me! I'm her aide!"
"Wait. I'm more than that! I'm Apollo Justice! How can you people not know me!" There was silence. You nudged the elbow Apollo was holding and that seemed to release him from his anger.

"Gah! This isn't about me! Let ____ go." Apollo shouted, frustrated.

"I don't c-care who you a-are anymore! You won't have her love!" The fan replied. Apollo smiled deviously.

"Won't have her love? Hah!" You gulped and your eyes widen. You know what he was going to say next.

"O-B-J-E-C-T-I-O-N!!!" Everyone cringed at his famous Chords of Steel. The fan clutching you was especially dazed.

"Won't have her love!? I didn't wait, her love's already mine! Right, ___?" He smirked at you and you nodded, out of confusion. The other male quickly retreated though, after hearing Apollo's outburst. The commotion was finally put under control by the bailiffs and everyone was ushered out.

Apollo guided you to a nearby bench and sat you down. He was still as red as his suit while you had a burning headache. He hoped you didn't fully understand what just happened. Finally coming back to your senses, you said, "Do you really want it?" You looked at him expectantly. He looked at you blankly. 'Slow as ever.' you thought. "I meant, my love... What you said, was it true?"

It was his turn to gulp. He fiddled with his pointy bangs while blushing even more. "W-well, partly... You can solve this case, can't you...?" He replied. You smiled and turned away from him. "I don't have any evidence to work with..." You said. He cleared his throat, picking his words carefully. "You already have a testimony... My behavior right now would be another clue... Then there's this..." He shakily moved his hand towards you. He was holding... movie tickets. It was a romance movie. It was clear as day.

"Let me guess... This is your answer to my question before isn't it?" He nodded, still bashfully looking away from you. "I understand if you don't want to... I mean you've got those fans of yours. I only intervened cause he was making you do something you didn't want to do... You've got many options right now since you are quite popular..." He lowered his head but he was still avoiding your gaze. "Oh, Apollo..."

You took this as an opportunity. You leaned in and placed a kiss on his scarlet cheek. His expressive hair perked up as he finally looked at you in surprise. You smiled at him and this made him happy, so so happy, that among multiple choices, you chose him. He gave you an Eskimo kiss which you gladly returned and he spoke up.

"Guess that means I'm guilty for this one case. Sorry you had to completely change your role though." You giggled.

"I would prosecute a million people if it's for the sake of knowing whether you love me or not, Polly~"

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