Gel : Apollo Justice

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This is an Apollo Justice x Reader from the Ace Attorney series. One shot only and no spoilers ahead. Requested by: Tiny_Dancer456 ((I'm so sorry it took so long!))

Apollo Justice, Ace Defense Attorney. Okay, maybe not. Second only to his mentor, Phoenix Wright. But still quite a title for a young man having trouble in the morning. Why? Bad hair day.

He calls you up, asking for your help since you had your own badass mane.

"______?" Are you there?" He tries to refrain from using his Chords of Steel but to no avail. He accidentally raises his voice at you, giving you more than enough reason to flinch away from your phone and end the call.

"That guy... Why is he so loud in the mor-" Your phone rings once more and you brace yourself as you press accept.

"S- Sorry, couldn't help it." He chuckles, sending butterflies through your stomach and effectively, completely waking you up.

It's been a few days since you've been accepted as an intern for your required on-the-job training by your university. They said you needed to go under a number of hours in an office of your choice. Your friend, Ema Skye, immediately recommended you to Phoenix Wright who took you in without second doubts. Wright Anything Agency, there you met Apollo Justice, a greenhorn defense attorney who made your life sparkle even more with his comical attitude and slightly sarcastic remarks. You two have grown close over the past days and neither of you would admit that spending time with each other is what makes both your days complete. So close that he was calling you in the morning.

"What.. What is it, Polly? Why are you calling me in... 5 in the morning...?" You yawn, getting up and making your way to your bathroom.

"I have a problem..." He timidly replies.

"What's wrong?" You ask and start to freshen up.

"My hair gel..."

"You mean for your horns?" You tease, laughing a little louder than you meant to. Hearing your adorable laugh made him fluster even more.

"I... I guess? L... Look! It's just that I forgot to properly close it yesterday and now it's stiff! What am I supposed to do!? ______, help me!" He fumbles and repeatedly combs his hair, barely holding on to his phone.

"Relax, Apollo. Try putting water on it." You suggest, taking care of your own hair now. Lucky for you, the waves your hair made are all entirely natural.

"It's not working, ______." He groans. You stifle a laugh as you finally finish your business in the bathroom.

"Then give up on it for now. You look just as fine when your hair is down." You grin as your pun sinks in and into his realization zones. As he stays quiet and tries not to shout at you, you suit up and leave your house, bringing with you your backup gel and making your way to his apartment.

"That's not funny, ______! I never go to work with my hair down! Unkempt hair is looked down on!" Apollo ruffles his hair again, even more frustrated now.

"Alright, alright. I don't understand why you wake up so early just for your hair, Apollo." You smile, fully knowing he can't see it.

"It's hard work to get this properly done, you know." He finally lets go of his head and places a hand on the sink in front of him.

"Polly, it's just hair."

"Easy for you to say! You never told me how you get your style everyday!" He always took notice of your hair, one of the most prominent features you had, and never fails to compliment it every time he sees you. But to be honest, he only does that so that he can avoid complimenting everything else he loves about you.

"I always do! You just don't believe me!" You see his apartment a few blocks away and start to book for it. You were excited to see him with his hair down.

"Oh yeah, as if brushing it in front of an electric fan actually works." He sighs and leaves the bathroom, pacing around his living room.

"It works for me, not for you since you insist on having those horns." You giggle while scaling up the stairs to his floor.

"Stop calling them horns!"

"Then what do you expect me to call them!?"

"Bangs. Call them bangs please, and you still haven't helped me!" Then, the call is ended. Apollo looks at his phone, what could've happened? He didn't use his Chords of Steel anymore so you couldn't have been startled in any way-

"Or haven't I?" You call from outside his door. It takes him a solid ten seconds to walk to the door and open it, seeing you outside, grinning widely.

"What... What are you doing here, _______?" He's too surprised to think like the attorney he's supposed to be. You drop your grin and replace it with a soft smile as you hold out the little container of gel you brought just for him.

"I'm here to help, you idiot." You say, before he takes it from you and finally see what it was. The moment his expression changed from shocked to sheer joy definitely made your insides tingly. You're happy to see him like this.

"_______.... _______, thank you! Thank you so much! I love you so much!" He smiles before looking at you and hugging you tight. You laugh as he spins you around.

Then it dawns on you two.

He places back you down and lets you go, looking away as redness spreads throughout his cheeks. You do the same, trying to look at anywhere besides Apollo.

"Uhh... I love you too?" You smile and squeak out, finally glancing at him. He winces a little but quickly smiles with you, taking you in his arms again.

"Would you like to come in?" He mumbles into your hair.

"What do you think, Mr. Fine?" Then, he takes you inside and cooks you breakfast as a... Proper thank you.

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