"Okay, then I'm gonna head out."

We smile at each other for a moment before she starts to turn away.

For god's sake Dawn just go for it.


She stops and looks at me. I decide to take the chance and close the gap between us. The second we're inches from each other, I reach up and grab her by the back of the head. We kiss as our lips come together.

It's an incredible feeling. Her lips are soft and wet.

Faith kisses me back and the feeling makes me moan happily. Her hand comes up to the side of my head to continue the kiss between us. After a few more moments, we break the kiss and I feel a huge smile on my face at the thought of what I've just done.

Gosh, that was nice.

I open my eyes and see a smile on her face.

"I... sorry I just really wanted to do that."

We stand in silence for a second.

"Is that okay?"

The smile on her face turns into a grin.

"More than okay babe."

She pulls my head forward to hers and we kiss again. It's soft and inviting. The kiss doesn't last as long as the first one but it's just as good as the last one. When we break apart, we're both smiling.

"As long as that was okay."

Wow, like that wouldn't be okay.


Faith and I look at each other and I get the urge to kiss her again.

All right, gotta put an end to this before it goes too far too fast.

"So... Tuesday then?"

I'm suddenly brought out of the happy stupor kissing Faith put me in and I shake my head to remember what she said.

"Uh, yeah... Tuesday..."

She starts to walk backwards away from me.

"Tuesday it is. At seven."

I watch her while she walks and it makes me feel all tingly.

"Catch ya later."

All I can really think to do is wave at her. She gets out of sight and I realize I'm still standing outside my building. Turning around, I walk through the front door and head for the elevator. That happy, tingly feeling in me gets better and it gives me the overwhelming urge to skip the rest of the way to the elevator. When I get there, I press the button and feel like jumping up and down.

We kissed. Faith and I kissed. Like an actual real kiss. With lips and everything. There haven't been that many people I've kissed, but that was very nice. First I kissed her, and then she kissed me back and we kissed.

The elevator opens and I can't help but skip my way into it. As soon as I'm inside, I push the 'door close' button then the 3 button and the elevator goes up to the third floor. Again the doors open and I resist the urge to skip my way out and down the hall.

And now we're going to the movies together. It's almost like we're going a date. Except it's not a date. Or is it? Are we going to the movies on a date? I mean, I asked her to go to the movies. But I didn't really do that with the intention of it being a date. She just mentioned about the fact that we couldn't talk as good with the music and stuff blaring through the club. So I figured we could talk better some place else.

I take out my keys and open the door so I can go inside. Buffy's sitting in the living room watching the end of a movie. She looks up from the couch and smiles at me.

"Hey Dawn..."


"I rented a couple movies if you wanna watch them with me."

"What movies?"

She looks down at the table and picks up the DVD covers.

"Well, I just finished watching Sleepless in Seattle. But I've got a couple others if you wanna take a look. Unless you're too tired from all the clubbing."

I'm too buzzed to sleep now. It probably wouldn't hurt to watch some movies with my big sister.

"No, I could go for a movie."

Buffy makes room for me on the couch as I walk over and sit next to her. She smiles at me when I pull the other side of the blanket Buffy had on the couch over me to get comfortable. My sister hands me the DVDs she hasn't watched yet as she gets up and takes out Sleepless in Seattle from the DVD player. The other two movies are The Notebook and Lost and Delirious.

"So did you and Faith hook up again?"

What? Hook up? What does she mean by hook up?

"Go dancing again or something?"


"Uh, yeah, we did."

"And you had fun?"

Fun doesn't begin to cover it.

"Mhmm... can we watch this one?"

Holding out Lost and Delirious to Buffy, she takes it. She looks at the movie and smiles.

"Sure, I hear it's good. Or at least that's what Willow told me."

She opens the case after putting down Sleepless in Seattle and then loads the DVD in the player. Buffy comes back over and sits with me on the couch again. The DVD loads and starts to play. There's a picture of two girls on the main menu who look like they're about to kiss and I can't help but think back to Faith and I downstairs. Buffy presses play on the remote and the movie starts.

Did Faith and I kissing change the movies into a date? Or was the kiss just a kiss and nothing else? I'd like to think that it changed things, but I'm not sure. It depends on what Faith thinks about the kiss. For me, a kiss is something special, it means something. But Faith has kissed a lot of people who haven't meant that much to her.

Am I one of those people or do I actually matter to her? I'm not sure. But I do want to find out. I guess I will when we go to the movies on Tuesday.

 I guess I will when we go to the movies on Tuesday

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Just a Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें