Not as bad

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I was still shocked to see Nixon, he looked down and gave me an equal shocked look, we walked for a bit and found a secluded area to talk I didn't know what to say he smiled at me "guess we're mates" I could only nod he seemed upset that I wasn't talking "I know we argue alot, bicker and all that shit but I'm really not as bad as ya think and I'm sure your not as bad as I think, let's try to make this work" I finally going words "ok, can we please find my family so they at least know who my mate is, and let's try to act happy, please it'd brake my parents great if they saw that we didn't like each other" he nodded, I grabbed his hand "mom, dad, Kyle" they ask turned there heads, smiles spread across there faces "oh honey, we're so happy for you, we have your things packed, we'll see you around, by love you" they have me my things, Nixon led me to a car "they seemed hurried" I nodded, I got in the car, and fell asleep, when I woke up I was being carried by a pair of strong arms, I looked up to see Nixon, I was going to protest that I can walk on my own but he stopped me "your my mate, I'm going to carry you, yes I realize I could drop you and let you walk, but even ig Im not the happiest about us being mates, I'm going to take care of you" I nodded, Nixon took me to a room and lasted me down on a nice warm bed, I feel asleep almost instantly, I woke up at 11:13, my head hurt like hell and I had a stomach ace, I knew why I was in Pain, when you find your mate as a werewolf, you cant be very far from them at first, this sucks, I heard shuffling in the room, there waz a girl putting my clothes in a closet, I was beyond confused "hi, might I ask what your doing" the girl turned around she didnt look much younger than me I'd guys 17 she had chestnut Brown hair that went down to her but she was 5'7, and brown eyes "Mimi is very sorry miss, I didnt mean to disturbe your slumber, I was just putting your clothes away, so you don't have to, I'm sorry luna" I smiled at her "it's perfectly fine, thank you, can I ask your help for something" she smiled very big "anything, what is it luna" man this is going to sound weird "please show me alpha Nixon's room"  she nodded, she seemed so happy to help she pointes towards a door I nodded gratfully at her, I stepped in quietly "Nixon, please wake up" he grumbled "Nixon" I shook him a little he woke "is everything ok" I sighed in defeat "im feeling sick from not being near you" he nodded as if he were in the same pain, he patted the spot next to him, I laid down next to him, I instantly felt better, I fell into a peaceful sleep

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