Start from the beginning

"Yeah." I exhale, my hands sliding down to his chest. I don't want to part from him, but I force myself to. He breathes heavily still, slowly sliding his hands off of my waist.

"Let's go," he says, and we get back into the venue, which seems colder.

"I'll bring the car around," Niall says, and kisses the side of my head. My heart flutters as I see him walk away, smiling slightly. I look around, the people still walking from painting to painting, drinking champagne. There are actually so many people that I sort of sink into the crowd, flustered by the bright colors of the tuxes and gowns. I get into the middle, trying to find Michael to bring him with me.

My eyes can't really lock on anyones face, as they all walk past me too fast, but my mind quickens when a sudden push to my back makes me almost fall to the floor. I turn around immediately, but there is no one there. A few seconds pass, stressfully looking around me to see who pushed me, but I can't see who did. They must have disappeared into the crowd again.

I run my hands against my back, and I feel a small piece of paper pressed against my back. I take it off, holding it in my hands. A post-it.

See you soon, my love.

- Z

My shoulders stiffen, and my neck turns in every direction, suddenly immensely scared. I've never been scared of him before.

My heart beats a hundred a minute when Michael's face appears in the crowd, his face darkening when he sees me. He walks up to me, as my lungs gasp for air.

"Claire, what happened?" He says, almost having to catch me as I lean back, my head getting dizzy. I hand him the post-it, and he freezes, and grabs my hand.

"Let's go," he says deeply, putting his arm around my shoulder and leads me outside. Niall is already there with the car, opening the door. He frowns when he sees me, his lips parting.

"What happened?" His voice raise as Michael leads me into the car, even putting on my seat belt. I feel so weak.

"Zayn," Michael breathes and Niall's eyes widen. He shuts the door almost immediately, and gets into the drivers seat. He kicks the gas, and the van bolts forward, driving out and away from the venue.

I look out of the window, and I know that Zayn is somewhere in there.

This time, I am scared out of my mind. The realization that Zayn actually had his hand pressed against me, makes me shudder with fear. And I don't know why. Maybe it's because... No, that can't be it. ...Could it?

My heart slows down as Michael strokes my upper arm, and I'm distanced from Zayn. He had his hands on me again.

I regain breath after a while, and I calm down as Niall pulls up to the apartment building. I close my eyes for a second, tucking my hair behind my ears. I grow sort of embarrassed, annoyed at myself that I ruined the night.Niall walks around and opens the door, and Michael and I step out.

"Go ahead, I'd like a moment alone with Niall," I say to Michael, my face pale. He stops for a second, looking over at Niall, then a smirk appears on his face.

"Aight," He nods, like he's impressed, and walks into the building.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, stroking my cheek with his index and middle finger, causing me to look up at him.

"I... don't know," I say, his lips pressing together, and he nods. I place my hand on his wrist to the hand that strokes my cheek, and I fight with everything in me not to kiss him again.

"So what happens next?" he questions, his brows furrowing. In his eyes, there is a gleam of hope radiating through, igniting fire deep within me.

"I want to tell you... But I don't know yet, I'm so confused! I have to figure things out." I say, and I find myself constantly relieved when he doesn't get mad or impatient. He just nods, with no hint of anger in his eyes -- makes me think he really does want me to be happy.

"Did you have fun today?" Niall asks, and I get closer to him. I am so grateful that my 17th birthday didn't turn out miserable.

"My best birthday yet," I confirm, embracing him. He wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly.

"Really? I'm glad," He says, breathing into my ear, sending tingles through me.

"It was perfect," I whisper, my hands feeling his hair at the top of his neck. As I back away, our skin slides against each other, and compels me to connect our lips once more when they meet.

His lips are firm, yet soft, and blood streams to my head as I sink into them. He backs away, his blue eyes piercing through me.

"I said that I only want you to be happy, and that is true." He says, his hands sliding down to my waist.

"Please, choose whatever makes you happy."

My brows middle-raise as I look into his eyes, feeling guilty. I still don't know what is right for me. If I just had my memories...

"I will, goodnight Niall." I say, and he lets me go with a pained look on his face.

I walk into the building, feeling his eyes on me as I get into the elevator. Once the doors close, I'm filled with anxiety. Harry will be so mad, and I feel sad that I will end this amazing day with getting yelled at and locked up again. Now, he probably will insist on keeping a constant eye on me, and I will not be able to set foot outside of even the bed room, I don't know. Unless I choose to leave.

I can pack up my things, and leave him behind.

But... I want to believe there is more to him than what I've seen. There must be, for me to had been so in love with him. Do I want to give up discovering that side of him?

No... I feel like the girl I was, the girl that existed before my abduction is currently screaming at me, telling me to give Harry another chance. To give him a chance to show me the person I fell in love with, because I don't think he has been able to be himself these last few days, because like he said; he is consumed by fear of losing me.

I want to know the man I fell in love with.

That is, before the elevator doors slide open and I see Michael on the floor, his hand cupped over his eye. And Harry, standing over him with a clenched fist, and wide, furious eyes.


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Eeep I'm so excited, told you you were in for a wild ride;)

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