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"Well there you have it Jesse!" They heard Cassie's voice as the lights turned back on. "Your stuck! Trapped!" She cackles. "Just like I have been in rotting world."

"I knew you weren't dead!" Jessie shouted.

"Ah, Jessica." Cassie smirked. "My youngest niece. So young. So innocent. And yet you're going to go down with these losers." Jessie glared angrily. "You know how it is to feel trapped Jessica. I wonder why you're with people who don't understand you." Cassie walked. "Hand over the Flint & Steel Jesse." She turned her attention back to Jesse.  "And I'll let you and your friends free."

"I don't believe her." Ivor whispered. Jessie, Petra and Lukas sent him a glare.

"I don't know how long you guys have hung out with Endermites but the poor things are terribly hungry. I suggest handing it over before I let you find out how sharp their teeth are."

"Uh guys I dropped the flint & steel when we fell." Jesse whispered. "I have no idea where it went."

"Tik. Tok. Tik. Tok, Jesse!" Cassie looked down at them. "You either hand over the Flint & Steel or YOUR LIVES!"

"How about we share?" Jesse suggested.

"Share? Share?!" Cassie didn't look pleased. "What you want just walk out of here, happily holding hands then stab me in the back later?!"  She took out a White Pumpkin. "Nope this is taking too long. I'll just let the Endermites eat you and fish it out of your inventory." She placed it on her head. "It'll be the best fishing trip ever!" Her voiced deepened.

"Winslow, my pet, active the TRAP!" She turned to Winslow. But the cat ignored her and continued to lick its paw. Cassie facedpalmed. "You want something right you hafta-" She muttered to herself and turned to them. "Prepare for your death!" She turned around and with the switch of a lever the ground by an to move. Separating Jesse and the gang. Lukas and Petra tried to cut the doors open but the doors were iron.

"Its no use!" Ivor shouted. "Without a button or a lever we'll never get these iron doors opened."

"Hang on guys." Jesse held an enderpearl. "I'm going to get up to the control panel." He tossed it up and a split second later he was hanging off a block. Jessie looked down at the Endermites. They crahsed against one another scrambling back and forth. She walked backwards, until her back was completely touching the obisdian.

"Woah!" Jessie felt unbalanced but Lukas grabbed her arms and pulled her back.

"Toss it down." Petra called out to Jesse.

"Okay. Get ready." He said as he tossed a lever down.

"Got it." Petra smiled.

"Good." Jesse stood. "You guys get to safety. I need to find that flint & steel." Petra flipped the lever and the doors opened letting each of them in.

Niece? Jessie couldn't help but think of what Cassie told her. Was she really her aunt?

"You okay?" Lukas asked, snapping her back into reality.

"Oh um...y-yeah. I am." Jessie smiled.

"We have to help Jesse." Petra spoke holding a bucket of water. Lukas took the bucket and they went back out.

"How are we going to get up there?" Ivor asked.

Jessie looked through her pockets to see if she had anything left from home. Sand, pink egg, and a leash.

"Will a leash help?" Jessie asked.

"I don't think so." Petra said. They looked around and finally found a way to climb up.

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