Thump, Thump.

Louder than usual.

Thump, Thump.

I slowly moved my left hand, but a small pinch stopped me from moving further. My head seemed to be in rhythm of my heart, pounding forcefully. I gradually opened my eyes remarking the lights were very dim. I blinked a few times before realizing the aroma of a clean room, the hospital. The sound of my heart was coming from the heart monitor, and an IV was in a vein on my left hand, probably for fluids.

“Whoa there” Hands were placed on my shoulders as I began or tried at least to sit up. “You’re moving too fast” A small whimper escaped my lips as I was forced back to have my head placed on my pillow. My eyes lay upon Bryson. “Hi” I said which surprised I had a crack in my voice. A worried smile formed on his lips. “You okay?” I nodded my head slightly. “Yeah guess so, what happened?” He all of a sudden sat at the edge of the hospital bed taking place my left.

“You don’t remember?” I shook my head. “No…” A confused look washed over Bryson’s face. “What do you remember?” I bit my lower lips and thought for a moment before realization hit me like a ton of bricks. “I was standing in the circle and then…I don’t know” Bryson placed his cool hand on top of my head and down to my cheek. “It worked” His smile beamed with pure hope. “I was afraid it wasn’t going to” I looked at him questionably. “Why… hold on a sec” Visions fluttered rapidly through my mind, as if I was reliving someone else’s past.


Destruction was seen upon as my hands were placed firmly on a stone wall of a balcony. My eyes scattered left and right seeing a familiar town burst in flames in numerous places. The village people held torches high in the air as they made their way towards the gates of the castle. My smile grew as I knew everything was working just as it had planned to be. Everything, leaving my own family, and loving someone who my kind despises, I grew to love their kind. Although I knew my real place in this world the day my own grandmother shown me my true path. I didn’t take the vision very well, which is why Demetri must end without knowing who indeed was in charge, Katreena Sanger herself the one he truly trusted his life too. Roars of lightning came over head as they finally broke through the castle gates. Tears fell down my cheeks and anger rose high inside me. My mood always tampered with the weather, and if I was correct this was going to be one hell of a storm.

The doors swooshed open and banged against the stone wall from behind me, the smell of his cologne entered my lungs and I knew then he was beyond outraged. “What the hell is up with this protest?” I breathed a sigh of relief hearing the calmness he had towards his answer for me. “This is no protest dear. It’s a revolution” I looked up from the fiery village and met eyes with the one who truly betrayed me and my kind, but I had to keep it together until the time was right.

“They can’t over through our government, were immortal! This is absurd” He seemed calm about the entire situation and couldn’t even wonder who these villagers really were and what they are truly capable of. “I guess you’re right, come with me?” My voice filled our surroundings as I began to nudge the strings that were holding him up and hoping he would follow its lead. “Where too?” A secretive smile filled my face. “It is a surprise my dear” I lifted my hand and caressed his cheek for a lingering moment and headed for the opened mahogany double doors.


My vision became clear as Bryson was holding my face with both of his hands. “What happened? Your eyes were…pure black” His voice was filled with worry as he wiped some tears from my cheeks, although they weren’t tears. “You bled Hanna” As he lifted his hand, blood covered the tips of his fingers. “Vision” I said above a whisper. His eyes darted to mine instantly. “What did you see?!” Curiosity filled his voice but worried filled his face and eyes.

“Katreena isn’t as bad as she seems…” I trailed off as the words escaped my mouth for the first time. And to my surprise Addison, Taylor, and Sean were in the room this whole time, but I didn’t see them moments ago. “What I’m saying is that she’s on our side one hundred percent” I said.

“How do you know for sure?” Taylor asked questionably. A smile came to my lips as I said aloud “She’s gonna slaughter him and his kind” Addison gulped and then I realized “Oh not your kind Addy, the non-born vampires. You have nothing to worry about”

She seemed to calm as she took a sudden deep breath “So you’re saying they were made? How is that even possible?” Addison asked. “Just like legends they have too…” I began.

“Exchange blood?” Sean surprised me by saying exactly what I was about to say. “Yeah exactly that, but Taylor aren’t made vampires common?” I asked.

“Not exactly” she said. “It’s very much illegal to change a human into a vampire, since it could jeopardize our secrecy” As I thought about what everyone had said something came to my thought unexpectedly.

“The villager’s had power of some kind as if they were… witches” I said. Everyone seemed not shocked one bit. “What aren’t you telling me?” I asked.

Sean cleared his throat. “Hanna, the reason why your family is destined to kill made-vampires, is well they govern your kind.” He said “Remember the old lady you met back in time, her grandmother?” I nodded remembering her jabbing her cane in my face and saying I was not Katreena. “Well her and many others are witches in the village being controlled by illegal vampires” My eye brows furrowed as I was very much confused. “Demetri is pure born vampire, known as Lamia, but he has been secretly turning witches into vampires ever since Katreena” He said. “She is the first and she did tell me her plan when I first met her at the castle as her protector, Katreena begged to become a vampire in order to put down the government once and for all. Little did she know that Demetri was going to enjoy having a new breed of vampires. They aren’t killing off witches exactly, but rather ending their kind one by one” I took in a deep breath as everything sunk in completely, I would need time to process everything completely.

“What about me, what do I have anything to do with this?” A smile crept on Sean’s face. “You’re the Chosen one to bring Katreena back” He said with a smile. “How exactly?” I asked with little amusement on what he was about to say.

“Katreena casted a spell before she begged Demetri to turn her into a vampire, and that spell protected her daughter’s that followed through generations, a prophecy created by her” He said.

“Katreena” I whispered. “Exactly, that means you’re not truly pregnant…” My eyes snapped up and narrowed at Bryson who surprisingly knew what was going on. “What the hell do you mean by that?” Bryson cleared his throat. “Your kind of caring her and it’s not going to be pretty” He muttered. Ah hell I thought, this was going to be one hell of a ride.

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