Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

His heart was soundless as my hand was pressed firmly against his cold chest. The heat was drained out of his body. I could feel my own life draining from my own body as I kept my eyes on Demetri’s. The footsteps grew closer as, voices sounded unknown that echoed the room. My hand covered in blood. His blood. Tears began to spill over my burning cheeks. I breathed in as I began to fill even more weightless. My head now rested on top of his unmoving chest. The breathing was no longer present. And the familiar scent was now diminishing as my vision began to go away completely. My heart slowly faded with the sudden gust of wind. Many sounds filled my ears. Bombs, gunshots, but the sound of ripping and bloody screaming stuck out far more than the weapons. However, one sound missed out of all of them. Where was the guardian? His sound should be more powerful than anything; a creature so great should be loud, filled with absolute power.

Hands caressed my cheeks as someone moved me away from Demetri’s dead body. Looking up at the person who carried me in his arms, gave more effort than I thought it would be, Bryson. I was filled with utter confusion. My mouth could no longer form any words. I was carried very much similar as a rag doll down the familiar corridor towards the stairway.

We’re losing too much time, hurry!” Heinrik’s voice shouted down the stairs as Bryson began to walk more hastily, taking two steps at a time. He reached the bottom and headed for the study on the right where everything started. My eyes finally shut, unable to force them open any longer.

“Put her on the table quickly!” A pair of new hands grabbed my body and swiftly placed me on a table that was engraved against my fingertips. The cool surface brought a shiver down my spine. I was still confused of what was all going on. This wasn’t the plan!

“She’s going to give us hell going against her” Hunter muttered under his breath.

“Well she can’t do anything now until after so light the candles!” Heinrik became critical in finishing what he has started. Light danced against my eye lids. They took in a deep breath at the same time and began to chant together.

 "Spirits come forth, awaken my energy within” I began to feel my chest rise and fall heavily.

"Spirits come forth, awaken my energy within" My heart began to thump harder against my chest.

"Spirits come forth, awaken my energy within" My eyes flashed open and for a split moment the eyes before me had no feeling towards me beneath and deep into my soul. Someone came forth into my mind, but more like bonded within me. Memories washed into my thoughts. And a feeling of love had taken over. I was still me but someone was deeper inside of me. I caught eyes with Bryson. He seemed to have an awe expression on his face as he knelt beside me.

“Is it you?” As his words filled my hearing I no longer had a memory of my past. “Hanna?”

I blinked a few times from the tears that escaped my eyes. “Bryson…” I breathed out and heard the familiar voice that escaped my lips “Oh god it’s ME!” I smiled hugely as I ran my hands up and my body, examining every detail that was all me. I looked deeply into Bryson’s eyes and touched his cheek.

“We don’t have time for a reunion” I sat up straight and nodded.

“Your right, lets kick ass” Bryson’s smile grew. I leaned over and pressed my lips firmly against his lips. Enjoying the few seconds I had with him. Being stuck without the people you love was the hardest part to this moment. Leaning back I placed my feet on solid ground, and pulled him to a tight squeeze. “I’ve missed you so much” I whispered against his chest. His arms wrapped around me seconds later squeezing just as tight.

“I’ve missed you more” My heart skipped a beat hearing his voice all over again.

“Let’s go!” Heinrik seemed just more urgent than moments ago. I snapped from my reunion and forced myself to let go of Bryson.

“I’m ready for what I need to do” I said aloud.

“Good cause we need both of you” He turned on his heel and the three of us followed his lead.

“Wait isn’t the threat killed?” I asked from realization.

“They don’t know that” Hunter came to my side. “It’s a blood bath and they need you to prove to them that it’s no longer a threat”

“But how…?”

“Show them Katreena” I paused in my tracks.

“How the hell do I do that?” Bryson wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Follow my lead” As the mahogany doors opened my eyes was filled with disbelief. Something I only saw in history books. The entire street from here to the opened gates beyond the open field to the village was an ongoing battle. My mouth parted but I had no words to form.

“Take the knife” I blinked a few times until I grabbed the dagger from Hunter’s grasp. At this point I knew what I was going to do. My mouth parted as Katreena entered my thoughts. We were no longer separate people, but a whole, the same person inside and out. I opened my mouth. I raised the dagger and sliced my right palm. I walked down the steps reaching a pool of blood from the draining lifeless bodies. Bryson grabbed the dagger and sliced his left palm. We both drenched our palms in the blood and chanted.

Illusions so tricky,

It makes me sigh,

Illusions become easy to the naked eye!

The air became quiet and the wind became still. Everyone’s eyes were laid upon the two us. Our hands were tightly intertwined, dripping blood. Light slowly fought the shadows as the clouds parted exposing the bright sun. Many screamed covering their bodies with fabrics or hiding behind boxes, or barricades. Minutes passed when they began to realize no one was going up in smoke. The villagers had timid smiles on their faces, as they began to realize what may have happened this very moment. It was over. All of it was over. And I had an empty feeling inside of me. She should be the one here witnessing this moment not me. A smile grew on my face as I felt her presence deep in my chest.

“She’s here” I breathed out. Bryson tightened his grip.

“And so am I” Bryson pulled me close. He held my face with his bloody hands, neither of us caring as I pulled him in from the back of his neck. “I love you” He whispered against my lips.

“As I love you” Our lips met and my heart raced yet again from his soft touch.

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