Chapter 3: Absent

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Warning(s): None

 "Luther and Viktor have been acting very strange and we're barely a week into the school year. Do they have counselors or any type of therapists?" The man asked as he leaned forward on the oak desk, looking to Fran with question. Luther and Viktor were across the room coloring and playing with playing cards.

"Yes, it's just difficult to talk to them. They assume it's just their imagination. That...they will grow out of whatever is going on with them." Fran acted anxious, fiddling with the rings and bracelets she had on. The jingling of them becoming more evident.

"Well, if this keeps up, we can't have them here as students."

Fran's demeanor had changed. "What do you mean?"

The teacher sighed, "They're harmful for other students. Especially students who don't have powers and cannot defend themselves."

Fran leaned back in the chair, nodding.

"You can send them to another school or at least home school."

"That's what I've done since they turned 4."

"I understand that, Mrs. Dietrich-"

"I'm not married."

"My apologies, Ms. Dietrich."

Luther and Viktor continued to color, talking on and off. Viktor halted his coloring, beginning to sort through the playing cards. His mind setting on the joker's that fell out of the pack. Viktor blinked a few times, scrunching up his nose before grabbing a red crayon. Scribbling out the joker's menacing facial expression.

"Why are you coloring out his face?" Luther asked, setting down his green crayon.

"He keeps staring at me and laughing at me."

"He's being mean again?"



 Viktor sat up in bed, holding onto his stuffed owl. Sweat dripped from his brow and forehead as he looked to the side, spotting Luther, who was asleep. Viktor knew if he experienced another strong emotion, that Luther would wake up. He attempted to keep himself calm, rubbing at the owl's feet, attempting to think of it's texture more than his feelings. As he rubbed at it's feet, it made a faint scratching sound.

Luther woke up, slowly blinking his eyes open, turning to Viktor with worry. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Viktor murmured, pulling his stuffed owl closer to himself.

Luther frowned, climbing out of his bed and climbing up to Viktor's. "You aren't okay. I feel fear."

Viktor teared up, pulling his knees up to his chest along with his owl. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. What are you scared of?"

"More like who."

Luther sighed, "Who are you scared of?"

"Someone, a man. He keeps hovering around me. He won't leave me alone. I thought he left me alone." The boy broke down in tears, shivering as he sobbed.

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