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Chapter 1

"Does she talk?" whispered a woman. She was speaking to who I now know as my deceased mother .We were at church and I was quietly amusing myself with guessing what animal had the terrible luck to be chosen to sit upon her shoulders as a shawl of some sort.

" I suppose so, but she hasn't spoken to me yet," answered my mother Rebecca.

Her name wasn't really Rebecca, but I liked it better than calling her what my southern upbringing deemed appropriate. Somehow calling her "Mama" didn't quite make sense in my mind. She was beautiful and therefore needed a beautiful name.

"How strange" answered the woman with, now that I had acquitted my game, I guessed to be a leopard sitting upon her shoulders. She dragged out the word "strange" in the most deliberate of ways.

I was three, and from that point on I knew I was different. My hair, a deep shade of red, was very uncommon in my time. My eyes were big and an unusual shade of blue, almost violet. Even my speech was under speculation. Rest assured, I did have speech. In fact, I was quite the eloquent speaker. Mainly to myself though. I figured if I didn't talk to anyone, I wouldn't get any attention and thus free to my own devices would create my own fantasies.

That is enough about my childhood. Really all you need to know about my entire youth is I was considered intelligent by teachers and adults alike and I had one best friend. Her name was Laura.

Laura was perhaps the most normal teenage-girl you would ever meet. A complete contrast to me, Laura was very popular and funny. She had the longest brown hair you could ever imagine. She loved to be in the spotlight, and did most of the talking in our friendship. A quality I gratefully observed. She thrust me into her life of dating and parties. I had my share of boyfriends. Mainly ones she picked out for me, but none of them seemed to understand my peculiar ways of thinking. Nonetheless Laura hung out with me. I suppose I fascinated her.

When I was fifteen, Rebecca and my father, along with my brother and sister, died in a terrible car crash. I call it a crash and not an accident because I believe everything happens for a reason. This is where the wheels of fate started turning for me. I was sad of course, but I doubt they ever accepted me into their family. I was still just as strange as I was when I was three. Well, all of my aunt and uncles were either dead or in nursing homes ( I must point out that my family had a tendency to settle down late), so I was sent to live with my cousin Brenden.

Brenden lived in Washington. Which was a far cry away from my hometown of Lacrosse, Alabama. He was a music producer and a guitar technical producer for a band who's guitarist would forever change my life. Brenden had dark brown hair with eyes to match. He was a funny and smart boy. He could figure anything out, anything it seemed, but me. Brenden was twenty-three.

Chapter 2

"This is Jacob, Gregory and Spencer. They are the band I work for as well as my best friends. Guys this is my cousin" announced Brenden .

I will spare you the details of my dreadful farewells to the people of Lacrosse, my uneventful plane ride, and my awkward ride to Brenden's house where I found three men ranging from the ages of twenty to twenty-two sitting in the living room.

"Hello" I muttered stupidly.

"Hey" answered Gregory and Jacob.

Spencer muttered something I couldn't quiet catch but then added, " - I mean nice to meet you"

If I had been a normal teenager I would have maybe blushed and acted as if the former comment had never passed his lips, but being the girl that I am I quietly answered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2010 ⏰

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