Snow puts Rosey down in her high chair "Alright princess time for lunch." Simon pulls some jars of odd baby foods from the cabinet. It's my turn to feed her so I sit in front of the highchair and get a spoon to feed her with. Snow sets two jars of food in front of me.m, carrots and mashed potatoes. Baby food is nasty. To say the least. I open the jar of mashed potatoes and Rosey eats them without a problem, she loves them. But when I try to shovel the carrots into her mouth she starts crying. I pull her from her highchair and bounce her on my hip "hush little puff, it's okay" I whisper to her, over and over until shes quietly sleeping in my arms. Simon walks up behind me and hugs me. He ducks his head to let it rest between my shoulder blades and sighs "I love you, Baz" he mumbles into my back "I love you too, Simon." I tell him.

-When Rose is two

Penny insisted on helping us plan a little party for Rose's birthday and so far it's been a mess trying to plan. She can't sit still for a second and I swear she looks more like Snow everyday. The party is going to be very simple. Rosey LOVES the movie "Beauty and the Beast" so that's the theme of the party. Shes running around the flat in a little dodie yellow dress with a flower crown of roses, he bronze her pulled back out of her face. Bunce helped with that, I have no idea how to control curls. Simon has less of an idea on how to control curls somehow. I let Rosey run around until Pen finally shows up. She yells "AUNTY PEN" and throws herself at Bunce. "Hey Princess!" Bunce exclaims and picks up the little golden girl in the living room. She treats Rosey like, well, like her own daughter. Snow and I have gathered a few friends from meeting couples on date nights and we invited them all over with their children for Roses party. We got a cake with yellow and blue frosting and little roses. The party was very nice until Rose fell asleep and everyone had to leave. Simon took Rose to her bed and I cleaned up.

I went to check up on my loves and they were both asleep in the rocking chair.

-When Rose is three

Rose is growing up so quickly. And shes just as sassy and me and her aunt Penny. But tonight is date night for Simon and I so Bunce is babysitting. I planned a simple and sweet night for Simon and I. First dinner, we go out to this fancy place in the middle of London. It was lovely and fancy, we mostly spent the night gushing over how big our baby girl has gotten.

Once we get back home I pop open a bottle of wine. We don't bother with glasses, just drinking straight from the bottle. After an hour or so the bottle is empty and Snow and I are on the couch kissing and giggling, our suit jackets long forgotten. Simon pushes his fingers through the gaps between my shirt buttons, his lips ghosting down my neck when the door swings opened. We instantly jump apart and Bunce laughs when she sees us. "Bunce what the fuck are you doing here" I then see our baby girl in her arms shaking "And why isn't Rosey in bed, what happened?" Bunce sighs "Sorry guys but I had put her to bed at my house then all the sudden I heard her crying and when I went to check on her she pukes everywhere." Bunce explained to us. I guess Simon and I both sobered up in the past few minutes because I don't stumble at all when I walk forward to grab Rose from Penny. Simon walks to her and hugs her "Thanks Pen, sorry that she throw up at your house." she just shrugged and said it's fine, we couldn't have done anything about it. Plus, i've been to her house, no carpet in the whole place so it wouldn't have been hard to clean up.

In the end SImon and I spent our night tending to our daughter. She was fine the next morning, still feeling a bit gross but fine. The next week we had date night again and got to continue our previously interrupted activities. And we also found out that Penny is going to be having children of her own.

-When Rose is 4

When Rose was three we had finally got her potty trained but we hadn't train her potty mouth. She picked up on the words Simon and I say and we felt like terrible parents because of it. RIght now we have her sat down at the kitchen table, shes wearing her bright yellow tutu that she loves with a pastel blue shirt. Her long curls are pinned up into a ballet bun, of which Bunce had taught us how to do. She looked scared for whatever reason, probably because SImon and I rarely sit her down for anything.

Snowbaz one-shots (fluff and angst)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα