Chapter 1

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I walk out the house in my work gown and look up at the old Victorian house my stepmother owns. She is not wicked but she is not nice either. She is somewhere in between wicked and nice, I like to call this bitch level. She is a bitch. She makes me and my 5 year old step sister take care of the house. "Fiona! Check the mail." I hear her yell out the window she has told me 4 times already. She tells us to call her Mistress Darcy. "As you wish Mistress Darcy." I answer rolling my eyes as I turn back toward the mail box. I pull out the mail and shuffle through the letters.

Fiona Streep I gasp at the pretty lettering of my name. I open it up and see a golden card. "You're Invited"

Fiona Streep you are now of age 18 and are allowed to attend this years Mannerly Bash.

It will be located at Master and Mistress Mannerly's mansion. You are not allowed to bring any guests unless they are of the ages 18, 21, and 28. I do a happy dance because the bitch is 43. I have one friend who is my best friend but she is 19 and cannot go. She went to it last year but told me nothing of it claiming that she was not allowed to speak of it or she shall die.

I ran inside to get ready because the party would start at 9 pm and the mail ran at 6 pm where I lived. I hopped in the shower and once I was out I put on my green evening gown tailored for special occasions. I ordered a cab and waited on the porch once he showed it was 8:15 pm. I climbed in and smiled at the handsome driver.

"Excuse me but what age are you?" He laughed and answered, "21. I was invited to the party too. Would you like to go with me? Not like go with me with me. It's not a date unless you want it to be a date." I laughed at his dorkiness and said, "It's a date, I'm Fiona Streep."

"I'm Kevin Mannerly. My parents own the mansion that the party is at. But the age rules have applied to me too. The age rules apply to everyone except my mom and dad."

"Is there a reason why there are age rules?" I ask Kevin innocently wondering if he knows. He shakes his head and frowns. I gasp as we pull in front of a huge mansion. There is a giant stone arc we drive under and my eyes are basically popping out my skull. They have 3 stories, on 3 different buildings! The windows are decorated with their own stone arc above them. The curtains are a burgundy color which goes great with the slab color of the stone. Kevin parks in the garage and turns to me. "We own the taxi business Carps in 12 states that is how we are so rich also my mom's side of the family gave her 2 million dollars. we get 1.5 million dollars at the end of every year from the business. That is why I was driving your taxi car."

"I'm glad you were driving my taxi car." I get out of the taxi and wait for him to get out. He takes my hand and pulls me into the house a deep blush settles on my cheeks. There is a girl playing lightly on the piano. She looks to be of my age. He leads me past her and into a room filled with guests laughing and talking lightly. Everyone seems to be sipping on champagne.

I realize that most of the people are rich by their flashy jewelry and expensive clothing. I am just wearing a pretty knee length dark green dress with my brown heels and my hair put up into a braided bun.

I looked around and noticed that Kevin had disappeared. I walked over and stood next to the corner. Everyone was just walking around. I asked, "Does anyone know what it is like to kill someone?" As a joke. Everyone turned to me and one gentleman in a long overcoat with a black cane and a top hat answered, "Yes, I do." He looked up and I noticed his eyes were black. He smiled and fangs protruded from his molars. He had black hair and his V-neck shirt clung to him as he walked towards me. I gulped then felt someone pulling at me. 

I looked over at Kevin who screamed, "Run Fiona!" I went to run and fell and scraped my knee on the floor blood welled from the wound and I looked around to see everyone looked at me licking their lips. They were all vampires oh my god. I was going to be their feast. Kevin pulled me to my feet and ran down the corridor. "Excuse my brother and the rest of the clan. They became thirsty at the scent of your blood. Right now I am fighting to not sink my fangs into your pretty little neck myself." 

I trembled in fear when he turned to face me. "No one will hurt you Fiona, not on my watch." I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. "Little snack, little snack, where are you hiding at. Dear brother if she is not marked by the time I find her she will die." I looked to Kevin he kissed my forehead then took off running in the opposite direction. I had no idea why he left me there to die. I went to run farther down the corridor and fell ripping the wound open farther and causing more blood to pour from it. "Found you." His menacing voice drifted toward me from the beginning of the hall. In seconds before I could stand up he was upon me. I cried as the vampire jerked me to my feet. He pulled me to him and sunk his fangs in my neck. He groaned and pulled away. "Your blood what type is it?"

"Rare AB." 

"No wonder your blood tastes so sweet." He smiled at me and I was shocked. "Why didn't you drain me?" He chuckled and said, "Because of that." He pointed to my neck and I was confused. He led me back to the main room where everyone still stood drinking red champagne that I soon figured out was blood. I'm glad I accepted the white wine. He pulled me along still until we were in front of a huge ceiling to floor mirror that was in-tacked to the wall. I looked at my tan skin my green dress, my brown heels, and finally my eyes caught my neck. There was a mark on my neck. There were two holes where his fangs had sunk in and a blue crescent moon between the fang marks. 

I tried to rub it off but it wouldn't come off. He grabbed my hand and said softly in my ear, "That mark means you are my property." 

I jump away from him and smack his face. A scowl forms on his lips as he drags me back to the corridor I am shoved inside a room. "You will stay here until the party is over, then I will deal with you." He growled I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at his retreating figure before he closed the door.

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