Chapter 20

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??? P.O.V

I silently watch at the top of the stadium, continuously shifting my white emotionless mask that hid my real face, and steadily looking down as the Elemento Games unfold below.

I examine every group and their development over the past year, occasionally chuckling to myself as I see that almost no improvement was made. Wait, is that Mark? I could have sworn I saw him with Team Omega last year. Oh well, he must have changed teams. Billy's team wasn't really the ideal type for me. 

Oh look! A new kid from Team Armonya! Is this this the boy I need to spy on? Master didn't really told me the specifics, but I overheard him saying that he has green that must be him. But, why would I need to spy on him?

I watched in interest as the games began. Let's see what news I can bring to Master. This job is the best one thus far, probably tied with managing the torture devices, but that was Mad's favorite job.

"Snap out of thoughts, mortal!" he hissed

I just rolled my eyes and continued to gaze over the battle. As Team Armonya had put up walls to block the Pyro Tornado's attack, which was very clever if you ask me, the Earth Elementor from Team Omega, Jake, I think was his name, came up behind the new kid while he was peeking out the wall and threw a boulder at him.

"That's definitely going to get him." Mad commented

But he dodged it just in time and in an incredibly fast pace. My eyes widen in surprise as both me and my demon was flabbergasted by this move.

"Impossible," I muttered "He was occupied with something else, how could he..."

I stopped myself as an idea came to mind. I really need to keep an eye out for that peculiar kid. He may be more than just an Alementor.

A little while later, I sighed in irritation. The boy hasn't been doing anything strange to prove my theory wrong...that sucks.

But then, while he was left in the arena with Billy and Damien, he shouted something inaudible to me before manipulating the mud to shoot at the two boys from Team Omega.

"So he can control mud, like, two elements in one?" Mad muttered

I ignored him and turned my focus back to the arena to see that he and his team mates were celebrating down below.

A small smile crept up my hidden face as I stood up and turned my back at the scene. I focused on the soft breeze...before jumping off the roof. But, after I did so, the wind surrounded me and carried me across the night sky.

Once I landed gracefully on the roof of the hidden make-shift building, Master swiftly appeared in front of me.

"Well?" he questioned

I bowed in honor of his presence before telling him the whole story, with additional help from Mad about the details and such.

After that, he smiled wickedly as he chuckled with the same amount of poison in his grin. I could only watch as he turned his back, saying one more thing before disappearing.

"Get me that boy."

Hero or Monster? (A Jacksepticeye Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now