Chapter 19

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Jack's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and saw that I was still in the arena with Billy and Damien, Mark and the hurling fireball was gone. I glanced at the bleachers, hoping I could find the answer. There, I saw Mark with the rest of my team.

"My, my, Jack, the tables have surely turned!" Billy chuckled, showing off his sickening smile

I quickly stood up, but was pushed backwards just as fast with a hard gale from Damien, sending me in one of the of Piedra Aqua's Mud Trap. Great, just great.

"You were this close to winning," Billy mentioned, showing off his thumb and index finger almost meeting, like he was holding a small object "But you failed."

"All of those preparations, amazing antics!" Damien admitted, though there was a lace of sarcasm inputted there "All of that hard work, but in the end...was done for nothing."

"Mark had done what he can to save you from that fireball," Billy noted "But all of that was for nothing."

Damien smirked "All because you're nothing but, a useless dirt pile, a weak bender... "

"A reject."

A reject...reject...just a...reject...


"You don't have any powers!" The bigger kids yelled in a singsong-y voice "You're just a reject!"

I ignored them and went straight to class, but that decision is practically worse than introducing myself to the bigger kids.

"No powers?" the teacher read aloud, making the whole class stare at me "You're nothing but a reject kid, just saying."

After that class, I sped my way to my locker to get myself. Hopefully no one will pick on me this time...But I was wrong.

"Have you heard?" the gossipers whispered behind me, but was audible enough for me to hear it "That kid doesn't have any elemental powers."

"I know, people have been calling him a reject."

"Let's call him a reject too!"

While I was listening, I suddenly dropped my textbook. I was going to pick it up, but a boy did it first.

"Is this yours, reject?"

I look up to see Billy and the other bullies. He saw my face of fear and snickered, throwing my textbook in the trash can.

"My name's Jack." I stated, only to be laughed at by his gang "I'm actually more powerful than you think."

"Yeah, and I'm covered in mud," he snickered "See you 'round, reject."

He pushed me forcefully against the lockers, arm first, and getting a small cut on my arm from a sharp object as a result,before walking away, leaving me as a laughing stock for the other students. 

In utter embarrassment, I held my wound to stop the bleeding before running out to the back of the school.

"Someday," I whispered, letting the hot tears pour down my face "Someday...I'll show them."

*End of flashback*

I stood my ground, glancing at my scar that once held bad memories...but now, it holds the very power that is surging in me. My strong will, my determination to show them all.

"I. Am. Not. A REJECT!" I screamed

I raised my hands slowly, palms facing upwards. Then, the mud started to rise like two big pillars. Once I reached my maximum intent, I swiftly pointed my hands towards the two boys, sending the mud at them like hungry hounds. 

"My name is Jack," I said

They tried to run, but it was too late. They were teleported to the bleachers, covered in mud.

"And I'm actually more powerful than you think."

The crowd went wild. Suddenly, my team teleported beside me and pulled me out of the Mud Trap. We all got together in one big group hug as the audience was cheering our team name.

"And they have done it!" Mr. Aster boomed "Team Armonya, The Underdogs,has won the Elemento Games! The new champions!"


Yes! Jack has done it! But others might find his move a bit suspicious...

But the next chapter will introduce a new character! Well, this character was briefly  introduced in an early chapter, but who could it be? Try and guess.

Fine, I'll drop a hint; he's a youtuber ;)

Hero or Monster? (A Jacksepticeye Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now