“Louis!” He stopped him“I don’t mind at all that you’re here, I care about you so it’s not a burden or anything, tell me what is wrong.”

“Its my boyfriend,” he said as fresh tears came down his face “Can you imagine that for the six months he was away he was shacking up with another girl? Sleeping with her?” He shook his head “I feel like such a fool, being scared, wondering what had happened to him…. To us, when all the while he’d been having the time of his life with someone else, then he comes back to me and I accept him back with open arms? I’m so bloody stupid!”

“Hey, you’re not stupid.” Harry told him “he’s the one who’s stupid for doing that to you. How did you find out?”

“I’d gone home early to surprise him when I saw the girl in the house with him, she was the one who let the cat out of the bag. I was so angry and confused I had to leave the house and go somewhere.

I can’t even go back to my friends because of him, they warned me not to be with him, that he’d only hurt me but I didn’t listen. I can’t go back to them, if they even accept me back, they would be like I told you so and I really am not up for that.”

“And what about me, you think I won’t also tell you I told you so?” He asked him. He also had a right to be angry with Louis, he’d ditched him for this guy.

“Yours won’t be as annoying as theirs.” He told him managing a watery smile.

He sighed, not in the mood to smile but was glad Louis was feeling a bit better “So what are you gong to do now?”

He shrugged “I’m not sure yet. I have to move out of his place but I don’t have where to go.”

Harry suddenly got a crazy idea “You could move in with me.” He offered.

Louis’s eyes widened, he opened his mouth as if to speak the closed it before trying again “You’re joking right?”

“No, I’m not. What’s wrong with moving in with me?”

“Aside from you being my direct boss, umm, let me see,” he started sarcastically “This is your family estate where your mum and sister stay, what will you tell them? How do you think I’ll be looked at by your family and in the office?” he asked and then answered for him “I’ll be looked at as a tramp! Like I’m sleeping with the boss for special favours. And how about your new boyfriend?”

Harry frowned, he wasn’t aware he had a new boyfriend. “My new boyfriend?” he asked him.

“Yes, the beauty queen at the office today.”

“Oh, Vicki, he’s not my boyfriend.” He told him, well, he’d been a potential boyfriend.

“It didn’t look that way.” Louis told him.

Harry noticed he wasn’t crying anymore “he’s not my boyfriend.” He stated again “and I don’t care what anyone thinks, Louis. Not my mum or sis or even anybody at the office, I live my life for me and noone else. If they have a problem with you then they should take it up with me.” He told him looking into those sexy catty eyes of his.

“But still…” He tried to protest again.

“But nothing, if you really have no where to go, my house is here for you, infact, I insist that you move in with me.”

“Thank you.” He managed lightly “But I don’t think it’s proper, especially as you used to have feelings for me.”

“Used to? Who said they were gone?” he asked him and his eyes darted back at him before hastily looking away, Louis suddenly couldn’t look at him because he’d said he had feelings for him. Why was he so scared or shy of him when feelings were in the picture? “Why did you pick him over me, Louis? Why did you go back to someone who left you for six months?”

Placing his hand under his chin, he tipped Louis face up gently to look into his eyes “Why?” Harry asked again softly. “When I’m here ready to lay the world at your feet if you’ll just let me.”

“Mr. Styles…” Louis started.

“Harry.” He told him

“Harry,” he managed “ I picked him because I thought I knew him, he meant the world to me, we are sort of the same, we’ve been together for like..forever, and he had a good reason for leaving.”

“To shack up with another girl?” he asked and realisation dawned on him “You are making excuses for him.”

“I know.” Lou said lowering his eyes. Then he looked back up at him “So who’s the beauty queen anyway?”

He had to smile “Are you jealous?”

Louis made a face “no, why would I be? I’m just asking.”

“He’s a neighbour and friend.”

“Whom you cancelled your appointments to be with?”

“Okay, okay, I had a thing for him for like five minutes, why do you care anyway?” He asked him back.

He shrugged “Why wouldn’t I care, Just a few days back, you were kissing me, telling me about your feelings for me and then next thing, you’re parading some other man and cancelling all your appointments…..”

Harry gave into temptation and took his lips in his, welcoming the familiar softness and feel against his. Louis sighed as his hands came up to his arms again, tightening and pulling him closer, he kissed him back with so much vehemence that he had to pull back.“Why did you pull away?” He asked breathlessly

“I’m not sure we should be doing this as you are so emotional right now.” Harry said.

“Its okay, I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.” Louis told him.

“What? You’ve been meaning to kiss me?” He asked, this was news to him. he shrugged but didn’t say anything .

“You know what? lets get you settled into your room, its quite late and I’m sure you’re tired.” Harry said getting up, Louis followed but instead of moving, he took his hand and pulled him to himself.

Placing his hands behind his neck Louis pulled him down to him, meeting him in another heart wrenching kiss.

Harry didn’t have the strength to pull away this time so he savoured the moment. His arms going around his neck while his hands went to Louis's hips and pulled him close to him, Louis felt so good against him.

“Take me to your room.” Louis whispered against his lips.

Harry was weak, he knew he shouldn’t accept and tried one last time to resist “Are you sure?”
In reply, he slipped his tongue through his slightly parted lips and that was all the confirmation he needed.


Double update!

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