Chaprer 1~The hunt

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(y/n)=Your name
(h/c)= Hair colour
(l/n)= Last name
(p/n)= Pet name
(h/n)= Her name/his name
(e/c)= Eye colour

=(y/n) POV=

You sigh to yourself as you stare out your window at (p/n) then you hear a knock.

(y/n):"Come in..."

Someone enters

(h/n):"Lady (y/n), you tea is ready"

(y/n):"Oh thank you (h/n), just come place it on my desk"

You turn around to face him.

(y/n):"Any new news for me (h/n)?"

(h/n):"Yes there is Lady (y/n)"

He says as he hand you a envelope with the queens mark on it reading

Dear (y/n),
There has been recent kidnappings and I need you to solve this case but you won't be doing this task alone, you will be doing it with my faithful guard dog and spider

Your sincerely
The queen.

(y/n):"Oh goody, lucky me"

You say sarcastically, you look up at you faithful butler

(y/n):"(h/n) get the carriage ready, we're going to meet the guard dog then the spider"

(h/n):"Yes lady (y/n)"

He replies as he bow to you and leaves

=Ciel's POV=

We wait outside on the door steps waiting for the 'fox'.

Ciel:"Sebastian, are you sure about this?"

Sebastian:"Of course young lord, why would you ask?"

Ciel:"Because what if he is like Alois or Elizabeth?"

Sebastian:"I Dont know young lord"

I see a face with beautiful (e/c) eyes as her (h/c) hair was drooping over her shoulders peeking out the window.


Sebastian smirks at me after I say that, the carriage stops as a butler hops away from the horses just standing their.

Ciel:"Isn't he going to let her ou-"

(y/n):"Why hello down there"

I look up to see her standing on top of the manors roof then she disappears and reappears on top of her carriage, I can see what she is wearing, she was wearing jeans with a navy blue crop top with black flats, her hair tied back in a ponytail. She fell off and her butler caught her in his arms.

(h/n):"A littler over top Dont you think lady (y/n)?"

(y/n): Dont be obserd that was fun

(h/n):"If you say so"

=(y/n) POV=

I look at 'the guard dog' as his jaw was dropped, I walk over to him and his butler as (h/n) follows behind me.

(y/n):"Did you two enjoy my little show?"

Sebastian:"I did immensely"


(y/n):"Nawwww does someone care about me?"

I teasingly say, he started to blush at what I said to him.

(h/n):"Lady (y/n) now don't tease the young Phantomhive now if you don't mind would you please apologize to him?"

(y/n):"I swear you are no fun, hmph sorry for teasing you"

Ciel:"hehehe is someone a puppet now sorry but I must wait for 'the fox'

(y/n):hehehe you dummy I AM the fox, even you demon butler knew that

Sebastian and Ciel look at me with surprised face


Ciel:"How did you know Sebastian was a demon butler? Did you tell her Sebastian?"

Sebastian:"No I didn't my lord how did you find out?"

(y/n):"well you see when you were staring at my butler just standing there I went through the files with his name on them, oh yea and I already read the file of the murder and my butler has already asked and narrowed it down to one suspect"

(h/n):"The suspect is Viscount druitt"

Sebastian:"and his party is tonight"

Sebastian and (h/n) look at me and Ciel

(y/n) and Ciel:"I know that look"

We say in unison as we run off but soon enough they caught up to us

~time skip at the party~

A Backwards World (Ciel x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon