Chapter 7

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A few days later Lionheart had Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw collect moss for the elders' den, allowing Tigerclaw a respite from the constant presence of the younger cats. Now the three apprentices were lazing about the camp, their duties complete for the day.

Naturally, Lionheart chose this peaceful time to walk up to Tigerclaw and sit down beside him. "I was thinking we should take the apprentices out for some hunting practice."

Tigerclaw nodded stiffly. He had been hoping to at least have a full day away from them, but it would seem odd if he refused. He sighed to himself. I might as well get this over with.

"Firepaw, come here," Tigerclaw meowed, flicking his tail to summon the ginger tom.

Trotting up, Firepaw gave him a questioning look. "What is it?"

"We're going on a hunting patrol," Lionheart meowed. "Fetch Graypaw and Ravenpaw, and meet us by the gorse tunnel."

Firepaw looked at them with curious green eyes, clearly waiting for them to explain further, and Tigerclaw felt a flash of irritation at the younger cat's obliviousness. "Right now- if that's alright with you."

"Yes, Tigerclaw," Firepaw replied hastily. "I'll get the others."

The five cats were soon heading into the forest together. All three apprentices chattered as they went, somehow unaware that they were loud enough to frighten all the prey off ThunderClan territory. Tigerclaw raised his tail for silence. "Have you never hunted before? Be quiet!"

The apprentices fell silent.

"Why don't we practice some hunting crouches first?" Lionheart suggested. He flicked his tail at a spot a few fox-lengths away. "That leaf is a bird. How do you approach it?"

All three apprentices hunkered down, trying out their best bird stalking crouch. Tigerclaw brushed past them and swept his tail downward, adjusting the apprentices' awkward stances.

Lionheart walked up, regarding his own apprentice. "Just a bit lower, Graypaw."

"And your paws need to be closer together; you'll never keep your balance like that," Tigerclaw added, prodding Graypaw's side with a paw. He moved on to the next cat in line. "Lower your tail, Firepaw. You're waving it for balance, not to inform the birds of your presence."

Ravenpaw glanced up at him, meeting his gaze with nervous eyes. The skinny tom immediately looked away, but it was too late. "Pay attention to the hunt," Tigerclaw spat. "If that was a real bird you would have lost it right then." Ravenpaw stared at the ground.

Observing the apprentices' postures one last time, Lionheart nodded. "Now try stalking it."

Tigerclaw stepped back and took a seat, scowling. All three cats were terrible. Firepaw showed no sign of trying to keep his steps light as he thumped across the clearing. Graypaw was swishing his tail like an enraged fox. And Ravenpaw... Tigerclaw shook his head in disguest. The tom was putting most of his weight on one side, moving in slow, erratic steps. How he thought he would catch birds like that, Tigerclaw had no idea.

"Pitiful." His growl was low enough that only Lionheart could hear him. "You would think they've never hunted in their life."

Lionheart shrugged. "To be fair, this is only the second time they've practiced bird stalking. Graypaw, don't wave your tail so much," he called to his apprentice.

But Graypaw barely made any adjustment at all.

Watching the apprentices blunder about the clearing, Tigerclaw raised his head. "Every one of you, stop!" he spat, loping over to face them. "Firepaw, you need to be lighter on your paws than that! Graypaw, you're much too slow. And Ravenpaw, I don't know what in the name of StarClan it is you're doing; you look like you've been possessed by a dying frog."

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