The gate before them was at least 15ft tall, each side, with what seemed like brass trimming along the inner rim if the doors. Just inside the village doors, stood two well built men in shining chain-mail armor with an emblem on each chest plate. One man had a square jawline, and jet black hair, the other, long blonde hair and a mousy brown beard. Both stepped out into the parties path wielding a large sword which had hung by their sides in thick leather sheaths. 

"Halt. Are you friends of Amros?" the bearded man bellowed, looking closely at the hobbits. Lothiri lifted her hand, and jumped down from her larger black horse.

"We've come to seek the sanctuary and advice of Aethibryn, as we are on a quest. I am Lothiri, and these are my companions." She bowed her head a little. The dark haired guard walked to the other's side and whispered something in his ear. the blonde man nodded slightly, before stepping to the side and gesturing the party to follow. The hobbits, and Aiwendil dismounted, and they lead their horses through the village streets. The smell of fresh fruit, cut grass and baking bread hung in the air, but it's presence was highly appreciated by the travellers. Mallyra walked with her mouth open wide. The buildings were so huge, and beautiful! Without warning, her horse, who she'd named Osment, head butted her from behind, pushing her quickly forwards and back into reality. 

"heyyy!" she scoffed, rubbing the horses muzzle as he snorted happily at her. Pippin smiled across at her, before biting his lip and looking back forwards again, his heart racing at the sight of her smile. The six of them stopped outside a large stone carved building, with great statues of dragons carved into the walls and pillars. 

"I'm guessing he likes dragons?" Sam asked Aiwendil, who simply smirked back down at the hobbit,  and then handed his horse over to a stable boy and pushed open the large doors. Their eyes were met by a great hall, hung with tapestries, carpets and great chandeliers which hung from the ceiling. At the end of the hall, stood a large brass throne, with veins of silver running throughout it's structure. Sat on the throne, was a man, who Mallyra thought to be about thirty years of age. He had a thin, clean shaven face, and high cheekbones. A pair of thin, pale lips along with piercing blue eyes. His hair was deep brown, curled lightly, and was past his shoulders in length. With the party's entrance, the man stood, and strode silently down the hall, and greeted them all with a bow. 

"I am Aethibryn, lord of the realm of Hithaeglir." he cast a charming glance across the party of travellers in front of him. "And whom may you be?" he said smoothly, as he stood back upright. Lothiri stepped forward, with Aiwendil by her side.

"Lord Aethibryn, we've travelled far these past few days, and we've come to seek refuge here at your beautiful village." She said, bowing as she said it and avoiding looking into his deep blue eyes. He stared hard at the she elf, before a smile spread across his lips.

"Forgive me if I am mistaken, but are you Lothiri, daughter of Gildare?" He asked softly, watching as the elf stood back into her usual perfect posture. "And Aiwendil son of Slythin?" he added, gesturing to the male elf beside her. Lothiri nodded slowly, and then turned to Aiwendil. For the first time throughout their journey, he was smiling, quite proudly according to the hobbits. The lord immediately began to beam widely at the party. "It has been such a long time since you last visited here. Come, you must stay here! Much has changed since you and Aiwendil have entered the walls of Amros!" 

He once more eagerly beckoned the party to follow him further into the stone establishment, and the further they walked, the more mind blown Mallyra and the hobbits became. Embroidered carpets which shimmered like fish scales hung loosely from the walls. Tapestries which told ancient stories were placed behind Aethibryn's throne. The lord lead them down a corridor and into a courtyard, which had several massive doorways attached to large buildings surrounding it. 

"Do you remember which one you stayed in?" Aethibryn asked the elves, who both smiled at each other. Then, they both walked towards different doors. Lothiri walked left towards a mahogany door, which had veins of silver trimming the door frame and the door handle was made of solid silver. Aiwendil walked right towards an even grander oak door, which had large golden door knockers, a golden latch and door frame. 

"How could we forget?" Lothiri whispered to herself, as she gently pushed open the door. She walked in, and smiled even wider than she had when she'd first arrived. The room still smelled the same, of fresh air with a metallic tang which caught the back of the throat. The room was simple to the eye. All except a large tapestry which hung behind the bed frame. One the tapestry, was a woven picture of a beautiful silver dragon perched on the edge of a rock. The dragon stood proud, it's scales some home managing to shine even though it was made of threats and wool. Lothiri approached it tentatively at first, and held a section of the cloth in her hand, staring at the dragon's face with a small smile on her lips. 

"Uryté." Aethibryn breathed, as he, Mallyra and Merry had silently entered the room. She jumped a little at first, and then dropped the cloth immediately. Mallyra frowned hard, as she recognized the word Aethibryn had said. 

"This place brings back memories, that is all.." The elf shook it off slightly, before heading back out into the courtyard, which was now bathed in the setting sunlight. Aethibryn followed her almost immediately, and left the two hobbits alone for a moment. 

"What's Uryté mean?" Mallyra asked, looking across at Merry for an answer. He was too busy studying the tapestry, but soon focused onto what she'd said. 

"I've read about Uryté before. I'm surprised you don't recognize the name Ra, I mean, it's in that book you have after all." he said, still running his hand along the threading gently. Mallyra's face screwed up in confusion, 

"My book?" she asked, reaching down into her bag. Her fingertips felt around for a bit, until they came into contact with paper and leather. She pulled her hand back out of her bag, to be met with the sight of her book of dragons which her father had leant her, 

"Yes, that book. After all, Uryté is a Silver-"

"DRAGON!" a chorus of voices shreaked from the courtyard.

LOTR: Shire Dragons - Pippin Took FFWhere stories live. Discover now