Chapter six

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After finding out I have leukemia the doctors gave me some medications to help me be less tired and gain a little weight but I haven't spoken to anyone since I told them to leave. They let me go home but I've just stayed in my room looking at pictures of me and my mom. I don't understand why God as done this to me. He not only took my mom away from me with this but now he's taking me away. I remember a time way before she got sick where me and her were at the park playing hide and seek. We had to best time. We would hide in the most silliest of places not caring that we can be seen. I would hide under the slides, behind trees. My mom would hide behind the trees as well but she would also hide in the dome thing we have that's built like monkey bars. We'd always get people staring at us but we didn't care. There was another time where I lost my favorite stuffed animal and my mom and me looked everywhere but we couldn't find it and she surprised me after school with it saying she found it but I know she just brought a new one but I didn't care. Me and my mom were so close we did everything together. I hurt a lot when I found out my mom was sick. I noticed way before everyone else. She didn't want to play as much as we did and didn't eat all the snacks like we use to when we were having movie days and we had them a lot. It wasn't till after she found it she was sick that we moved in with my grandmother because she needed help taking care of me. I know deep down that I'm not going to love through this so I decide to write some letters to everyone I know. I get out of bed and goes over to my notebook and gets a pen and goes back to my bed. Writing these letters are going to be really hard because I'm just going to be cry the whole time. I start writing. I write letters to everyone my teachers, friends at school, my dad, Cody, my grandmother and especially Sandy. I put them all in a little box and get a sharpie and write on the lid open after I leave. I put it in my closet. School as started up again but the doctor said it was better that I just stayed home. I get back in bed and decides to take a nap. I curl up to Sandy and starts goes to sleep wishing that I wake up.

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