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"A family is not an important thing. It's everything "~ Micheal J. Fox

It's funny how sometimes life wants to and knows how to give you a mean old slap in the face like a Mexican Telenovla.( A/N) Just saying.


          A young mother to young , and naive for her own good. A father who was to proud and a drunk. They were young and reckless who got married at the young age of 17. Then who ended up with three children. But, it wasn't the most perfect family because every family has ther own share of flaws. Some traumatize children and shape they way the foem there opinions and personality. Some try to hold on the there faded memories.

            The father looked at the door every muscle from his face stern as he rang the door bell to his ex sister in law's house. The door opened open and a  look of surprised painted his face. "I came to see my daughters" he reganied composure.  She looked confused. "can you called them?" He asked.

     "Sure give me a moment." She truned around and went to find them. He let out a the air he was holding in trying to get ready for what he was about to do. Then he saw his middle child come down the flight of stairs which where decorated with christmas decorations. She was holding what look like a DS lite that he bought for her a long time ago but a different color. When their eyes met he could see the joy in her eyes. 'Hi daddy" she ran and gave him a hug.

        In which he hugged her in return. He took in a deep breathe and sigh. " Amber, sweetie I have to tell you something important." The girl look at her dad still smiling ear to ear "yes daddy what is it" she asked .

"I just came to tell that i'm leaving back to my country , because i don't want to be in the same place as your mom anymore." Her eyes started to tear up ,her breathing started to hitch trying so hard to surpress the sob that want to escape the back of her throat.

        It was a good effort but in the end she broke into a fit of tears. "Can you call your sisters for me?" His vocie cracking. Amber was just able to nod her head and went upstair to get her older sister. "Lily dd aaa dddaddy wants to see youuu and Ashlee" Amber wailed. Lily just looked at her annoyingly without having the faintest idea what was going on. She huffed herself downstairs. Leaving yt?

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