Permian Pleasure (Lost World/Time Travel)

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Dorothy suspected the plot to save their marriage with a renewed honeymoon was bound to fail.
However, she let Bartholomew convince her to give it one last try. The three-week cruise from the Caribbean to Europe and another month to explore Paris, Rome, Prague and a few other cities whose names she couldn't remember sounded like the opportunity to see something of this big wide world.

Now, caught on a dull cruise ship in the middle of the monotonous Atlantic Ocean, the whole idea seems plain stupid. The outlook to witness her unfaithful husband flirt his way through scores of eager ship hostesses and dolled up tourists half her age for another twenty days is more than she's ready to take.
She should have brought tonnes of books: Satellite coverage outside ports is sketchy and she misjudged possibilities to download new reading material on Wattpad. Okay, they will reach the Azores in six days, but during the three-day transit from Havana to Guadeloupe she got a taste for what's in store for her. Sadly, she couldn't find English books on the persistently French island. Well, looking back, she should have spent her time to search a flight home instead of decent bookstores. The blame for believing in Bart's assurance of goodwill and determination to make amends is on herself.

Thoughtfully, she sorts the contents of her suitcase. Her vast collection of bikinis and sundresses will remain untouched, she has no intention to watch her husband hunting new flesh on sundeck. However, she has too much time on her hands and urgently needs a new hobby.
Maybe go man-hunting herself? Well, there's an idea. She sifts through possible outfits with growing determination.

Half an hour later, Dorothy sits at the bar on upper deck in a neat yellow dress. Bart is not in sight, but she doesn't care. Her mind is set and filled with joyful anticipation, ready for a challenge or adventure.
Dorothy sips her gin and tonic and adjusts her purple sun glasses, the only customer at the pool bar. A glance at her watch tells her it's still early, probably too early for most tourists and certainly for hard drinking. But she needs to loosen up and dampen her inhibitions.
Soft footsteps interrupt her thoughts. From beneath her straw hat she scrutinises the newcomer. The young woman wears walking boots, faded cargo pants with way too many pockets, and a black tank top. She throws an old leather jacket on a barstool and leans against the counter besides Dorothy. With a glance at her drink she orders the same.
'Why is a beautiful lady like yourself drinking alone on such a promising morning?'
Dorothy knows a pickup line when she hears one. But she isn't... never was... the newcomer smiles, a nice, happy smile
'Ah, I get it. Sorry, didn't want to upset you. Can we share a drink, nonetheless? It's on me.'
Dorothy gives herself a mental kick. Wasn't she craving adventure? Well, here is her opportunity. She clicks her glass against the other woman's, a smile on peach coloured lips.
'Sure. I'm Dorothy.'
'Liz. Do you travel alone, too? No, let me guess, he dropped you?'
Story of her life, she always was easy to read. Is her misery so obvious? Liz sips her drink and stares at the horizon.
'Sorry, Doro, shouldn't have said this. Do you know you look double-cute with this blush?'
No one called her Doro since her careless university days. She sighs.
'Young lady, you're an incorrigible flirt.'
'I'm not that much younger, not in this timeline. Five years?'

It turns out Liz is eight years her junior and claims to be a time traveller, born 2035.
Doro doesn't buy the story. But hey, it's better than drinking alone. Two G&T's later, they discuss possibilities and dangers of time travel. Liz is witty, intelligent and all around good company. The fourth drink leaves both women tipsy and giggling. The accident happens almost unnoticed.
Liz produces her smartphone to show Doro some pictures of the future. Unfortunately, Bart chooses this instant to guide two tanned blondes with fake eyelashes, breasts and smiles to the pool bar. Doro's first reaction to break into tears is quickly superseded by an alcohol-induced, burning wish for revenge. Without second thoughts she pulls Liz into a heated kiss and grabs her smartphone in a make-believe gesture of taking a selfie of the two of them.

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