Chapter 14

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Leah awoke from her nap and pulled up the website to purchase the ticket. J had given her his card number but he'd said it was only for emergencies. 'Well, I guess this is an emergency?' She thought then hit 'purchase ticket' and the date was set for next week. She got up and packed a suit case for the weeks she'd be gone and placed it under her bed to hide. Then she started thinking of ways to tell Harley that she had to leave and she would have to go with her (she didn't buy that ticket for nothing) She started to linger on the thought of her and Harley in Rio exploring with matching mother daughter outfits then coming back home to Joker who'd be happy to not have to go to such a noisy place. Leah was interrupted with her thoughts when she was called down for dinner. She sat down and as she began to eat with her parents, J's phone pinged with a notification that made him nearly spit out his drink. Once he gathered himself he stood up and walked out of the room. Before he left, he turned his head back slightly "Harley, will you join me in my office for a moment?" He spoke so calmly it made a shiver go up Leah's spine. Harley followed into his office before the door slammed shut, locking from the inside. Leah ate in silence for a moment before she heard crashing and yelling from the office. She ran to the door to listen to what they were arguing about. "How could you do this! I know it was you who bought that ticket!! It was only one! What were you planning to do!? Leave me with the fish while you live it up in 'sunny Rio de Janeiro'!? A place you know I hate!!" J shouted with rage before Leah heard Harley retort, "J I swear to you I didn't buy the ticket and I don't know who did!!" "Well, you, me, and fish are the only ones who know the number and I don't think fish would try to leave me like you are!!" That was all it took for Leah to bang on the door pleading them to stop. She cried as she realized J was upset at Harley for her mistake and she had to tell them the truth of why the purchase of a first class ticket of $2,000 to Rio de Janeiro was in J's bank account. "Please come out, I'm sorry," that made J and Harley open the door and step out into the hall to figure this mess out. They stared at Leah before J spoke, "Hold on Starfish, what do you mean you're 'sorry'? Was it you that bought the ticket? Was it an accident!?" "No, I-" "Were you trying to leave us huh little fish!? Have we not given you enough!?" "J, let her speak!" Harley interjected. J stood scowling down at her waiting for an explanation. "Well?" He asked growing impatient. "I- I bought the ticket for Harley," "So it's true huh? You wanted to leave!!" "J. Let. Her. Speak. Why did you buy if for me goldfish?" Leah took a deep breath before gathering herself to speak. "I had to buy the ticket because Harley can't swim. I need to go to Rio because that's where my pod goes to get their mineral refill. I've never had to use it before so I never needed the minerals. But now, since I'm on land I need to get the minerals before my tail will dry out forever." Harley and J sat in silence taking it all in. "So you're not planning on leaving me? Us?" J spoke softly tilting Leah's head up to look at him. "Never, you guys are the family I never had, you're my pod, you're my parents." Harley's eyes welled up with tears and cuddled her family close. "Oh, puddin! You have to come with! I know you don't like Rio, but we can't leave you behind for this! It's too special to our baby!" J pondered this thought while Leah mimicked Harley's puppy dog eyes the best she could. "Must. Resist. Eyes." "Resistance is futile," Harley spoke before making herself tear up and J couldn't help but look. He let out a huff before rolling his eyes and growling. "Uhhhhg fine! I'll buy two more tickets for us!" But Leah spoke up. "You don't need to buy two tickets! I can swim there!" "But goldfish, you can't swim all that way! You'll get tired." "No I won't I've made the trip before, Plus I need to be in the water. I can only stay out of the ocean for so long before having to go back in for minerals and stuff. It's a week until the trip." "Ok, but I'm putting a tracking collar on you so we can make sure you keep up with the boat and stay hidden." J said. "Collar?" "Yeah, it's no big deal though," Harley reassured her as she pinched her cheek. They cleaned up the dinner plates in the kitchen and eagerly, well Harley and Leah eagerly, bought another ticket for the cruise to Rio de Janeiro!

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