Chapter 13

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As Leah woke up from her parents night snuggle on the couch she went to get up but felt something on her legs it was scratchy and felt like sand. She threw off her blanket before looking at her legs dusting off all of the.. salt? She tasted it. Yep, definitely salt. But how? 'How could I have salt on my legs,' she thought. Then it hit her! The crystal refresher she has every year at the migration! She hadn't gone to the bay so she hasn't had her fill on the crystals! They balance her ability to stay out of the water and she was running out of supply fast!! How could she get more? It's not like she could swim out to the bay of Rio De Janeiro!! Or could she? She didn't want to trouble her family, she'd have to plan this carefully but for now, a glass of water with salt in it should stop her itching. Leah went out to make her drink and finished it as her parents came into the kitchen. "What're you doing starfish?" "Oh, just grabbing a drink. I didn't want to wake you up." "Are you hungry?" Harley asked. "Yeah a little," Harley got to work making breakfast and set it down in front of J and Leah. They ate in silence and as Leah took a drink of her orange juice she broke out into a coughing fit. "Goldfish are you alright?" "I don't know, I'm not feeling alright." Harley stood up to feel her forehead and told her she looked flushed. "I think you're a little sick, you need to go lay down in your room and rest, J will you take her up to her room? I'll be up in a minute with some medicine and water." "Can you put some salt in it?" Harley and J stopped to look at her. "It's a mermaid thing." Leah replied before going into a coughing fit again. J walked her up to her room and tucked her into bed and put The Little Mermaid on for her again. "Daddy?" "Hmm?" "Would you ever go to Rio?" "Rio? I've been before and I did NOT like it! Too much sun and noise. I was happy to come back to Gotham." Leah looked down in disappointment as she knew one of her parents wouldn't be able to go with her or want to go with her. Harley came up with a tray and placed it on a bedside table. "Alrighty goldfish, this'll taste yucky but you should be feeling better by the end of the day." Harley poured out some purple looking goop into a spoon and placed it in Leah's mouth. Leah tried to spit it out But J put a hand over her mouth and told her to swallow. When she finally did, Harley gave her the water and Leah swallowed a lot of it. "Goldfish careful! You don't want a tummy ache!" Leah set her glass down before drifting off into a fake nap. When her parents left she pulled out her laptop and googled ways to get to Rio. She came across boats and planes and decided to use a boat to get Harley there, she'd swim along side of the boat. She would have to, she would meet Harley by the docks and bring her along until she got to the cave where she could get her fill on the crystals and bring some along for her later. Hopefully she wouldn't run into any of her old pod. She didn't want that to happen. Too much could go wrong if that were go happen. Leah saved the ticket site for buying the ticket when she knew Harley would go and set the laptop down and drifted off into an actual nap.

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